Reviews for Five and Dime
CarlieD chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Yum. That's about all I have to say about this one. Yum.
robin27 chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
Sweet. Just the thing to read after Demons and Sinners.
razryuashley chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
awws! that was really cute! cant wait for the next story!
Obsessive Alice and Jasper fan chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
love the baseball sence so cute... keep writing
Ally.and.Me chapter 1 . 3/25/2010
berry berry berry ccuuttee
GreenEyedMelanie chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
love the story! you need to make more. i love the jasper and alice love. ahdorable.
jasperweasley93 chapter 1 . 1/19/2010
It seems like I love everything you write. Loved this a lot! Nothing else to say.
linsadair chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
Oh my gosh, I've always wanted to be taken up against a door.

A masterpiece as always, ladies!
messivemade chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
Aww that was such a sweet ending! I'm glad Sara won the bid (take that betches) because I knew AJ hotness and fluff would ensure. You guys delivered the monay! Great job :)
JazzygirlCullen chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
First of all, I LOVE this one shot. LOVE it HARD! You girls are AWESOME, as always! Also thanks to Sara for making this happen.

I have to say, gotta love USA, where corner stores sell liquor. Here in Canada, only liquor stores are permitted to have liquor licenses. Psh!

M…. Frat boy Jasper sounds yummy… I think this is the first Jalice fic I’ve ever read that had J as a frat boy. I love how he is so confident and take on the world. Breaks my heart to see the comparison between him and Addictsper, and how that one thing (him being left with his dad as opposed to his mom taking him) altered his life so drastically.

Love his wrist tattoo…correct me if I’m wrong, but in DaS I don’t remember them actually having the conversation of that tattoo? I love how I now know what it means.

I love Peter in your fics ) He’s so cool and laid back and good natured )

I am also in love with this Jasper. His and Alice’s interaction is so sweet and endearing. It was the perfect balance of sweet, innocent and naughty at once. I also had to laugh at how in this fic, Edward still wants Alice! D

HOT HOT HOT sex! But sweet at the same time. Your lemons never fail to make me hot and bothered. Again I read this while at my husband’s printshop with both him and my dad-in-law swarming around me and I had to rub my legs together to control myself HAHAHA!

Jasper-palm-sized breasts. Hell yeah! ) I have Jasper palm sized tits too, now all I need is Jacksper to come and fondle them **wink wink**

Even though I love this sweet, confident, blushing Jasper, I have to say Addictsper still ROCKS my world. I guess there’s just something about the tortured bad boy that ignites a fire within me. Which is why I ADORE DaS so much, That being said, I LOVED this oneshot. I hope you girls come up with a bunch more Jalice out takes and one shots, they are almost as good as your full length stories )
MaleficentKnits chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
so sweet, my lovelies... beautiful one-shot. onemisara is a very lucky winner to have you write this story for her. Alice as Lolita seducing Collegesper, *le sigh...* lovely lemons...

“I told your dad that I was planning on knocking you up and leaving you." best line ever. lmao
oskigal chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
Seeing your update made my day. This was wonderful, I love the angsty pair but it is nice to have a breif respite occasionally. I am so glad that you are faithful to the Jasper Alice paring. It seems like Bella/Jasper (or Bella/Jasper/Edward) is becoming a thing right now and I can't stand it! I just don't buy it, plus even meyer talks about how Alice and Jasper are special even for mated vampires. I cringe whenever I see a J/B pairing. Thank you so much for building on the couple that I find so wonderful and interesting and not tearing them apart. Sorry for the rant. Good luck with real life, feel guilty that I have california sunshine while you are battling snow.
angels04 chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
Oh Ladies, so good to see you back! I absolutely LOVED this story. Not that I don't love the angst of D&S, but to see my favorite character so happy it brought tears to my eyes. As always it was so sweet, sexy and fun to read. Thanks to Sara for sharing!

I miss ya...don't be strangers!

GuiltyButFlawless chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
ekk xD

i love this
iciri-piciri chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
hi! sorry i am this late, i really had no time to read :( I had to stop reading this yesterday and finish it now... RL is just kicking my ass :D


OMG: I led her down the hall to our bedroom and kicked shut the door, then picked up my wife and took her quietly against the door. - what a line to finish a story :D :D lol :)

i loved it :) it's so nice, that i could feel DaS in the story, but it was completely angst free :) i really loved it, i hope Sara did too :)

I love that you always make them have 4 kids :D is there a reason? they had four in OMS too :) but it's nice :)

love love


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