Reviews for Spirit Legends
Scarlet Weather chapter 66 . 8/12/2010
Alright, as per request one dog coming up.

First off, I want to stress again: I loved Kelsey vs. Julian. To discuss why I don't feel the same about the rest of the fanfic, I think it's necessary to examine what made those chapters good:

1) Julian's emotional breakdown made him easier to connect to. Kelsey acted like a believable villain. There was less emphasis on fluff, and more on a futile desire on Julian's part to rescue Kelsey.

2) The duel played out well, barring a few mishaps at the end.

Now that I have that out of my hair, I can explain why the other sixteen chapters of this fanfic fell short in a nutshell.

The duels weren't exciting anymore.

Julian vs. Rudger was the last duel where I really felt interested in the outcome- everything else, I knew how it would end. I knew who would win, I could guess HOW they would win, and I knew in advance who would be dueling whom because I've seen it all before. Changing the format of a duel to eight thousand life points and adding extra cards isn't a substantial edit. The new dialogue is often clunky and lifeless at times, and of course, there are some minor errors- and by minor I mean, say, Kiryu wholly choosing the wrong target for his revenge within this fanfic. Since your chapters tend to run about eighty percent card game, when the duel is boring or a foregone conclusion there's a strong temptation for the reader to tune out and skip on, which I found myself doing more often than I should have.

Then there's what I was really interested in last time I reviewed, which was the resolution of Rudger vs. Julian. It was... admittedly underwhelming when Julian's 'flames of chaos' turned out to be a simple Duel Terminal archetype, particularly since there was no foreshadowing to imply that the Lavals were such a potent force or explanation as to how Julian acquired it. His sudden development of insane supernatural abilities at this point in the fanfic that were never hinted at before- particularly after he had given away his original deck to symbolize stepping down as the Chosen of Flame- was not a great move either.

What really ate away at me though was the story's resolution. Julian is magically brought back to life, all the problems are solved... and the fanfic just sort of keeps going for a few chapters. Rather than skipping straight into the ending, which would have improved the pacing, we are treated to two duels which really don't fit anywhere else into the narrative, aren't interesting enough on their own merits to distract me from how weird it is that the fanfic is continuing even though it's, well, over, and don't really build any suspense for the conclusion. I'm also left wondering why Julia wasn't restored to life- after all, the Dark Signers came back. Why would she stay, well, dead? The zombie baby questions are still hanging around my head, and becoming a tad awkward.

The last chapter of the fanfic was also, quite frankly... confusing. Karaoke in a fanfic does nothing since reading the lyrics to a song isn't nearly as impressive as hearing the song, and when the majority of a chapter is devoted to just reprinting said lyrics, one wonders why the chapter needed to be its own chapter in the first place. The format was unimpressive, and the reviewer who suggested it should be ashamed of himself for missing that. I understand the temptation to slip in musical references everywhere, particularly when you identify songs with characters like I do, but a list of lyrics isn't a chapter. Furthermore... I'm just trying to imagine Jack's seiyuu singing Viva La Vida. My brain hurts. And then there's the question of how Blake sang Fireflies when that song requires auto-tuned vocals. But let's not split hairs. There IS also the matter of all of those songs being a few decades old by the time that this fanfic is set in.

Mmm... ultimately my impression for the last few chapters of Spirit Legends was 'unimpressed'. Kelsey and Julian captured my attention for a brief moment, but because the follow-up wasn't equally interesting my attention shifted and I found myself less willing to invest time keeping up with the fanfic. Ultimately, your biggest problems stemmed from poor re-hashings of 5Ds duels and bad pacing near the very end. Be very conscious of duel choreography, and try to work on your banter- it's often unengaging and falls flat, which is murder on a card game.
Aldamonburst chapter 65 . 8/1/2010
no way! woohoo! go julian and kelsey! u rock DD!
Aldamonburst chapter 64 . 8/1/2010
such a touching ending. but what awaits next chapter?
Aldamonburst chapter 63 . 8/1/2010
heh. that was awesome! but some of the naturia cards are pretty broken, specially the fusion u made!
Aldamonburst chapter 62 . 8/1/2010
good ending except: where's julia?
Aldamonburst chapter 61 . 8/1/2010
holy crap! blackfeather dragon! crow's signer dragon! u rock DD!
Aldamonburst chapter 60 . 8/1/2010
aw, too bad Julian isn't dueling. but it's still pretty awesome!
Aldamonburst chapter 59 . 8/1/2010
the second one? while i know the duel will rock, couldn't you have unleashed a new mark or something?
Aldamonburst chapter 58 . 8/1/2010
flame avatar finishes the duel again. and sayer is gone! but alicia will be a problem.
Aldamonburst chapter 57 . 8/1/2010
a battle of two each with pain in their hearts. nice.
Aldamonburst chapter 56 . 8/1/2010
ah love. this is a romantic tradegy.
Aldamonburst chapter 55 . 8/1/2010
woah. jack as a dark signer! that would be awesome! oh yeah, before i meant drill warrior, not synchron
Aldamonburst chapter 54 . 8/1/2010
u are so mean! doing that to julian! well, at least you brought him back.
Aldamonburst chapter 53 . 8/1/2010
wow. that drill synchron kick some butt! awesome!
Aldamonburst chapter 52 . 7/31/2010
julian betrayed kalin? wow!
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