Reviews for To Be a Winchester
HookedOnDestiel chapter 12 . 11/8/2013
I've been re-reading a bunch of incompletes and still love this. I know you mentioned in your profile that you had 2 more planned - would love it if you would get around to finishing this.
songsaboutsleep chapter 12 . 10/7/2013
I'm grinning like an idiot, thank you. I had no idea Cas emulating Dean was exactly what I needed. Seriously this is perfect. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I love how you described every reaction, every expression. So completely in character I could see them vividly. Such a fun read. Utterly adorable.
15rebbla chapter 12 . 12/1/2012
loved it!
TaraHalliwell chapter 12 . 7/12/2012
An update? Lol this chapter is really good. Of course Dean would want to teach Cas the joys of sleeping. It's just like Cas to only get the Star Trek reference too, we've got to love our nerdy angel friend.
constant boredom chapter 11 . 6/27/2012
These stories are just so cute! And even if you don't outright throw destiel into the mix, I'm so far gone I can read into it no matter what the context is

My favourite so far is the Pie one - hands down. Cas is just so adorable how is that even possible. Jesus. And Dean's pride omfg. My babies...ily. I seriously can't wait for this to update; I can't even begin to describe how entertaining it is picturing all of these events, thank you so much for writing them.
Casismyfavorite chapter 11 . 12/9/2011
I love all the chapters. It's nice to read about our guys relaxing and having a good time. Looking forward to more!
TaraHalliwell chapter 10 . 12/20/2010
Another fabulous chapter! Thanks so much for updating ;)
TaraHalliwell chapter 9 . 9/4/2010
I loved this chapter- it was seriously awesome. I also loved how you included Dean's favorite songs! Can't wait to read the next chapter :D
CUIntheair chapter 9 . 9/1/2010
I really liked this! Some of the best story moments (within the show or fanfic) are of Castiel becoming human, and most of the rest are between the brothers. You did a great job realistically representing both aspects in this story. Personally I'd like to see Dean's reaction to Castiel loosing his V-card, but hey, that might not fit into the tone of this story. All in all this one stayed truer to the characters than most Fan Fiction.
Polbear chapter 9 . 9/1/2010
I love this chapter. It's now my favourite so far. :) Awesome job!
Creative Spark chapter 8 . 8/9/2010
This fic is awesome! Love the moments and Cas' emerging humor. Hope you update!

hannahpaige chapter 5 . 8/1/2010
I was laughing all the way through this chapter :) haha great job!
Historychick1835 chapter 8 . 7/30/2010
Good chapter, not to be nit-picky but the impala is an automatic not a manual, but otherwise good chapter.
Anonomously Me chapter 8 . 7/30/2010
My Mum's three road rules are: Keep to the left (we live in Australia); keep clear of idiots; and everyone else on the road is an idiot.
Leighta Greenleaf chapter 7 . 6/16/2010
Cas getting a sense of humor...Fuck yeah!
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