Reviews for Tantei Dare Doko Naki
rin67 chapter 22 . 9/7/2018
rin67 chapter 22 . 9/7/2018
rin67 chapter 21 . 9/7/2018
rin67 chapter 19 . 9/7/2018
Shana-Fujioka chapter 3 . 10/27/2015
Uhm, 'fish-claustrophobic' doesn't exist. You're either claustrophobic (fear of confinement/closed rooms/narrow space) or ichthyophobic (fear of fish).
Ascella Star chapter 30 . 10/2/2015
You know I'm kind of mad at you...

No, you did nothing wrong, it's just that I am supposed to be writing an essay and some drills and I simply can't leave your stories alone! Jajaja and all that homework is for tomorrow! (Damn now I feel absolutely irresponsible)


Great story, although a little sad at the end, but thankfully kaito really loved shinichi no matter what...

And I was totally hooked during the take down... And during the whole mystery of shinichi's accident...

Yep... Great story...
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
Great story! I loved how elaborate the story was. It was very interesting and definitely one of my favorites. One thing confused me though. Ran already found out about Shinichi being Conan in chapter 21, so why was she told about it again in chapter 27 during the bombing, acting as if she didn't already know?
Yumi Edogawa chapter 30 . 4/9/2015
This was a good story! I read it in one sitting lol. Thanks for sharing it.
Cymiee chapter 30 . 1/8/2014 sweet xD
Kyotaroro chapter 30 . 6/6/2013
I have to say that I absolutely love the concept; especially the Pandora- it just brought everything together and gave a wonderful ending! Thank you!
tsukuyomi67 chapter 30 . 4/25/2013
*sob* Awww.. And here I thought this story would end up in tragedy. *wipes a tear* I'm so glad that they lived a happily ever after nonetheless. Though you didn't really finish the mystery of what happened to the secret organization of Snake. Since they are somewhat a branch organization of the black organization, does that mean that they too, are already taken down? Well, I guess it's good if it ends that way though I am a bit sad that Heiji had a little bit of bad old life. It's a bit sad that he isn't the same man he used to be. I just can't really imagine him to be wallowing in self-pity over the death of his wife. Oh well, thanks for the fanfic. It was really awesome and I had a lot of fun reading it even though there are times when the internet wouldn't just agree with you and sometimes I can't connect or access the webpage. You did a great job in writing this fanfic. Keep up the good work! *thumbs up*
jojotruth chapter 30 . 1/13/2013
I love this story
Midnight1906 chapter 30 . 12/26/2012
That's a nice way of putting "and they all lived happily ever after or has long as that lasted"!
Guest chapter 30 . 12/5/2012
i really really really really... loved it! though i wonder if u had to get shinichi blind. mabe he could be blind but as time passes, panadora gradually healls him... i just dont get how he cant die from suffocation but can get blinded.
EverThePhantom chapter 27 . 11/23/2012
This story is so exciting! But...I thought Shinichi already told Ran he was Conan in Chap 16 Part 3, so I'm confused...
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