Reviews for I Believe You
jaydedangel69 chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
This definitely was too cute! I really liked it! They're soo cute at that age! :) Great job,keep up the great work! Thank you. :)
LaPaige chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
You're right, this is too cute :D

It's so adorable! I love the JoeStella too! :)
xovickixo chapter 1 . 11/4/2009
This is so ridiculously cute! I just wanna sit and say "aww" a little longer.

I have such a sweet spot for kid!fic.

So, no I don't think Kevin and Macy knew each other at this age but if they did something like this totally would have went down!

I loved Kevin's POV in this. Poor put upon kindergardener ;)

The closing with the chalk very cute.

Thanks for the ridiculously cute read!
secretfunnelcake chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
Aw just too adorable. Exactly how I'd imagine Macy and Kevin at that age. :)
JennyMoriarty chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
If they had gone to the same kindergarten they would have totally been bffs long before JONAS was even born.

Oh yes. Joe and Stella -that's totally how they met/acted.

"A personal favorite of the recess monitor was a drawing of two little aliens holding hands, one with pigtails and the other with dark curly hair." -I actually 'awed' out loud at that line. And I don't usually react out loud.

I'd love to read the second piece, so I'll add this to alert just in case you decide to post it.

That was really cute and I loved it!

Standard-Ang3l chapter 1 . 11/1/2009
E! This was the one you were talking about the other day. I love it. four and five year old Macy and Kevin are fantastic. And I love the ending. little aliens holding hands. I squed and my roommate got mad at me because she's playing Kingdom Hearts and I messed her up. Oops.