Reviews for Dark Kabbalah
FateBurn chapter 28 . 10/14/2015
Great story.
Pongun chapter 11 . 9/19/2015
Real-life rickrolling... so beautiful.
Ads.A1 chapter 28 . 8/31/2015
Just read this now. What an amazing ride I was taken on. Loved every minute of this story.
FelipeFritschF chapter 28 . 3/28/2015
Pretty damn good. I liked your proposal of Shinji leaving after 3I. Your characterization was good, but not particularly deep. The battles were quite well written and the pacing was overall very good. Your prose is surprisingly good for a non-native speaker (such as myself), I wouldn't even had noticed that if you didn't state it in your A/Ns. But I can't say there is anything really groundbreaking in this fic. Still, it's very solid work.
Thespurgin chapter 28 . 9/7/2014
dat alternate ending... Heck, why isn't this canon? This is a wonderful piece!
Lord Asmodeus chapter 2 . 7/21/2014
Boring really. Shinji is still pathetic as ever.
Dessel Ordo chapter 28 . 2/4/2014
Masterfully done, good sir. And this is coming from someone who usually drops post 3rd impact fics or english as a second language fics within a chapter or two because the premise feels forced, and all my friends being grammar nazzis respectively. Really enjoyed this one though, and now I'm off to seaerch your profile for anything else for eva you did in english!
Wimble chapter 28 . 12/4/2013
I'm sure you get this all the time, but that was really damn good.
I've read your story three times now over the years, finding it independently each time. Every time you manage to take my emotions for a roller-coaster ride, thank you.
Thank you thank you thank you. There's no better way to put it.
Thank you.
deathbringer374 chapter 28 . 11/21/2013
Realized I never left a review for this. Awsome story, awsome ending. Thanks for the ride, it was amazing
yclui chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
A well written, well paced story. Really enjoyed reading it, hope to see more Evangelion from you!
tijaxme chapter 28 . 9/3/2013
And i come to the end of yet another fanfic, i lost count already of how many i've read mostly eva fics of course.

And i have to say that this has been bu far one of the best, i mean older kaji like shinji, epic!
The battles amazing! Just this fic wad epic dude.

I agree with you and epiloge is unessesary although if you ever write one (wich i hope you do) i'll be sure to read it.

Tambien quiero ver si tenes algo en español ire a tu pagina para eso, leo tantos fanfics que casi ya no leo libros asi que gracias por un par de dias de divercion e inspirarme a que no me importe que mi primer idioma no sea ingles para escribir un fic en ingles.
dreaper3450 chapter 28 . 5/13/2013
Best story
gore23 chapter 28 . 3/7/2013
Great Story, I could easily see this in a continued anime, heck I would probably turn into a crying baby pushing aside any pride. This was great, The only thing is that it felt cut short. Wish you would have continued a little with shinji getting back on his feat, the relationship developing, and maybe what they were going to start doing. Basically checkup and see the calm maybe goof since you made tons of fun of the virgin part maybe losing it checking up on the friends and teasing who knows just something to give a little look. Please Please plleeeeassee do one a short story taking place just had shinji is recovering I was excited to see how everything went but you cut it short T.T
RyoshiMorino chapter 25 . 1/12/2013
Great story!
ColorlessWind chapter 25 . 12/1/2012
"Poor Shinji." Mari sighed "Living with you and Misato at the same time. Both of you flashing him with your kinky outfits, and the poor boy unable to play Karate Kid…"

"Karate Kid?"

"Wax on, wax off..."

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