Reviews for The Perfect Suit
IrishAsh87 chapter 2 . 11/7/2009
I don't mean to be rude, because I can appreciate that, as an aspiring writer, you have so many ideas, but you really should try and focus on finishing one story at a time before you jump right into the next one. I think if you do that, you'll get a better quality story and it won't seem as much like chunky, choppy little half-formed thoughts, even though some of them are interesting ideas that, if fully thought, could be really good.

Also, I'm not trying to be the punctuation police, but your use of it, or lack thereof, is really distracting and makes your stories more difficult and less enjoyable to read. A few commas and periods will serve you very well.

I hope you don't think me cruel or judgmental, but I'm just trying to offer a bit of advice from imperfect author to another.

Good luck to you!