Reviews for The Mr Arrogants
love30kitkat chapter 23 . 5/25
nice ending
love30kitkat chapter 19 . 5/25
Wow, the plot twist changes drastically. Everyone from normal student become a mercenary/soldier. Hahaha, nice one.
love30kitkat chapter 5 . 5/24
I really like the tension between Rinoa and Squall
FiDhysta chapter 14 . 12/9/2017
HELL YEEEEAAAHH! Sing Hallelujah to the sky above!
Oh my, that was the sweetest thing I've ever read. Imagining Squall saying those words are just... Ah, I'm melting with all the sweetness in this chapter.
Thank you for writing it soooo beautifully.
I wonder how Cloud will react when he found out that Rinoa and Squall are together. #continuesmelting
FiDhysta chapter 7 . 12/7/2017
FiDhysta chapter 6 . 12/7/2017
Uh-oh! About time the Puberty Boy is turning into Lover Boy. XD
Looks like Cloud is starting to like Rinoa as well. It's getting more interesting. Nyehehee.. Love it!
AerithYuna75 chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
Hello Scribbleness!

I read this story about a year ago...and immediately fell in love with it. I stayed up for hours reading it, wanting to know what happened next, until I reached the end, unfortunately. From that time on this has been one of my favorite fanfictions ever, and I won't stop reading it anytime soon! It was the one that made me fall in love with Squinoa. Everything about this was extremely clever and well-written; it gripped me right from the beginning. You story is so inspiring, and I look forward to seeing more from you.

- Yuna :)
apple21 chapter 23 . 9/17/2011
..that was a great story! congratulations! ahaha! I love it!
gleamfang chapter 23 . 4/24/2011
Nice ending but do I sense Sequel? Probably not!

Thanks for writing such a great story oh oh and I must say that I am partial to a ZellXTifa pairing! Just saying!


Keep Writing
gleamfang chapter 22 . 4/24/2011
Woah I thought it would have been Griever but this definitely works big time. No limit breaks kind of saddens me but hey Aeons and GFs and Espers and Mako and Zack and SeeDs awesome


Keep Writing
gleamfang chapter 20 . 4/24/2011
Before I go any further, I just pray that this story is complete as the suspense is calling me. Don't tell me Rinoa gets Sorceress Powers this way?

Oh and Yuna with Aeons, nice touch. I had a feeling Squalls friends were SeeD too... Lol.


Keep Writing
gleamfang chapter 14 . 4/24/2011
Well done! My heart actually stopped for awhile when you introduced Lenne. I was thinking there would e this big misunderstanding and he would dance with her to try and "forget" Rinoa but thank god you put them together!


Keep Writing!
gleamfang chapter 12 . 4/24/2011
Interesting that you used a dissidia inspired pairing and not Cloti. Although I personally root for Cloti as long as you have Squinoa and Tidus/Yuna (can't think of a couples name for them although I think people usually say Tuna or was it Yudus? Whatever!)

I can't really complain as long as your story stays awesome!

Leblanc is such a beech though... Oh and the Sudae haring scene is soooo OOC for Squall but hey, I LOVED IT. Though Rinoa having a stained shirt should have made her very uncomfortable and self-conscious. Just adding a logical deduction here! On to the next chapter I guess!


Keep Writing


Keep writing
gleamfang chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
One chapter in and already I am tingling with excitement. This just sounds so damn epic. I realized you have not really introduced the characters yet oh and I gotta ask you who are the two red heads? One is obviously RedXIII but isn't he like non-human? The second one is from Squall's gang right? Who else is red headed?


Keep Writing
MitsukiEhl chapter 7 . 3/8/2011
kwehroar! XD
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