Reviews for Irregularity
sasunaru13 chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
tbh im still kinda confused reading this...but I love the idea of both of them rule the world side by side gonna check your LJ pronto!
Don't Judge Me Badly chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Well written & interesting _
- Caitlyn
purple-ripples chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
Dis is so beautiful thank u soon much for writing dis. Ur skills in arrangement and word usage is exemplary. Perfectly wonderful
Techno chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
I think there is something so lovely and sad about this piece of work. It kind of makes me feel upset *laughs* There's something very tired about it that I can't exactly explain, and this sense of...unknowing longing. This piece was amazing and beautiful written :)
nonars chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
The way you narrated this was simply beautiful, and I love how it flows. It's really quite amazing.
VanillaSlash chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
I loved the writting in this! Very beautiful and very creative. When Russia and America were discussing America losing his sanity, -that-'s when their connection really just popped. Who better to understand such a thing than Russia? Really brilliantly written!
Syeroix chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
All I want to say is, Good story.

This is an impressive seeming work for one so confusing.
Embers of Inspiration chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Wow. I really loved the way you wrote this. It gave me the feeling of kinda of an... impressionistic painting I think. Sometimes a little bit blurred and hazy, but definitely all-around understandable.

I didn't get the part about the smiles until I read the second paragraph, and then I had to go back and start all over again; but it was totally worth it and really really good.

Ah, and dangerous too. So very dangerous.

Hoping inspiration finds you well,

AliceGoBoom chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
You are truly the definition of amazing ._.

This story left me (and I don't think I'm over reacting when I say this) breathless.

You are officially my fanfiction hero :I
Shatterdoll chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
I just love your writing style. I can't say exactly what it is but it's so unique and... soothing. I loved this very much.
sakerat chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
I liked this. Everyone has different smiles, if you know what to look for. Such a great job! Thank you
Mr. Sora Majiggers chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
wow this was really complex and deep. I really liked it though it made me think...which doesn't happen often mind you. XD
Aigle chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
Beautiful~ I enjoyed reading this so much. I loved the atmosphere, and how things progressed. The ending was great~ thanks for sharing!
LupinandHarry chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
Wow that was really something.

Kind of ambiguous yet it ties in perfectly. Really enjoyed reading this.
Dreamers Deranged chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
I don't think I've ever left a review on just how much I love the way you freaking write. Well.. yeah.. I love the way you write and you're pretty much my second favorite author on this site.

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