Reviews for Spirits in the Rain
girly tomboy chapter 1 . 9/1/2012
That was such a good story! You should definitely write more Byakuya Rukia fanfics! There's so little ByaRukia sibling stories that it's making me pissed
PAMILA DE CASTRO chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
ramakrya1 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
great job... i loved it
just a girl two chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
that was so cute...
Nymane chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
This really is one beautiful story! I can't really descirbe the mixture of feelings I had while reading it, but there certainly was something resembling lonesome tranquility. The way you described the rain made me longing for summer nights and for the cold droplets on my skin. The rain seems to have a curing and calming effect for Rukia and Byakuya, both being haunted by the ghost from their past. I was pleasantly surprised by the way you described her memories from Rukongai and the spectre of her dead friends. At the end, it gives me a comfortable feeling, that of belonging to a home and family.

It was really enjoyable to read a fanfiction with such a calming effect and such a beautiful ending. I really hope to see more ByakuyaXRukia stories from you.
always-kh chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
nice job with her thoughts with the whole passage. it's amazing how you could take something so small and make it into a whole passage type drama. and so well written too. such a nice combo good writing, good emotions, and an interesting situation and take on it.

'Ghosts and Rukia the pretend Kuchiki.' i really loved that line and the many like it. i thought it needed a comma after rukia since the description is an appositive (if i'm getting my terms right. but looking at it again it's more like a full title she made for herself because she does label herself that way. very clever. (even if you didn't intend it ;P ) cuz i know ppl have complimented me on things that were completely unconscious decisions if you can even call em that. one time it was even a mistake, lol. but doesn't change the fact this was all very well done. rukia seems like this type of broody person and you brought her out nicely.
Tomas the Betrayer chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
We value your colorful descriptions of wind and weather, especially since it just stopped raining where we are a little while ago. There is a sense of peace and tranquility that can come with a light rain, not the sort that rails against your roof, but that which is more akin to the music of nature itself, lulling you to sleep. And you have managed to use it to grant Rukia some measure of contentment. Of course, she really is a ghost, technically, but that doesn't mean she should have to feel like one. This is the sort of thoughtful, compassionate piece I enjoy finding. It shows that their relationship is one that has true familial affection, regardless of parentage. Sleep tight, Kuchiki clan. And my compliments to the writer.
Byafan chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
What a beautiful story. So simple but very elegant and touching.

Hope to see more Bya Rukia stories from you.

Wonderful work! :)