Reviews for Next to Normal
Guest chapter 13 . 9/6/2012
Good story
The Red Teardrop chapter 13 . 7/11/2012
Your story is awesome:) You are a very talented writer:)
mommatri chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
I have just started reading slash. Ran across this story. I was really impressed until I figured out it was another of the uncompleted ones. Why do people who have talent and start to share that, just pull the plug and never look back. It amazes me.
random random random chapter 7 . 7/31/2011
Really love the relationship between Edward and Jasper! Keep it up!
35nanou chapter 13 . 6/15/2011
J'ai beaucoup aimé ta fiction, l'histoire, le caractère des personnages, l'émotion et l'écriture...Dommage que je ne puisse lire la fin, c'est assez frustrant je t'avoue!

amused-cat23 chapter 13 . 2/10/2011
This is adorable! The characters are very relatable and definitely teenagerish. I really enjoyed this story. Update soon please?
marie269 chapter 13 . 12/12/2010
(I'm french so..)It's a very nice story. I hope you update soon. I think you must have a lot more revews because you have a good writhing.
dinkadot chapter 13 . 10/19/2010
ACK really your are going to end it already? There is so much you can still do with this.

I really love this story these two are really perfect for each other.

greenmyth14 chapter 13 . 10/2/2010
Aw sweet chapter- I loved it :)

Excited for next chapter! xox
sunystone chapter 13 . 9/29/2010
Poor Alice, her crush has a boyfriend :(

So Jasper is now living in Edward's home...will there be any late-night lovin'? ;)

Great chapter!
Navygirl14 chapter 13 . 9/27/2010
soooo Alice likes Bella...interesting..she will figure it out..she is young..she just needs to take time and think about everything, sort out her feelings..I am glad that Edward's parents told Jasper he could stay there..poor Edward got kicked out of his own bed..LOL...but it was done out of love...that's a good thing...
x-Eliza-x chapter 13 . 9/26/2010
Great story.
DelphiusFanfic chapter 13 . 9/26/2010
Nice to see you back. I agree they should stop worrying about what everyone else thinks and just enjoy each other.
l'marie.wilson chapter 13 . 9/26/2010
Ohhhh, so that's what's been going on with Alice, huh. I'm glad she talked to Edward about it. Poor Jasper had to move out of his house. I know it was his choice, but Carlisle was right , that's not a healthy environment to live in. He'll be much happy living with Edward and his family. So sad, the last chapter is coming.
Ephraim1971 chapter 13 . 9/26/2010
I will miss it! But everything ends... can't wait for the final chapter
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