Reviews for Cookie Monsters
clarissa chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
the code of blossom scout
WhimsicalWonderland chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I have loved this story ever since it came out almost a year ago; since cookie monsters is my favorite episode. :) I'm sorry I am only just now reviewing!
iOutspoken chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
Haha this was great :P
24QueenMo chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Aw, that was cute.
sonnycentral chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
Great job Kylie... sorry I'm just now getting around to reading this! Cute _
girlwithagutair8 chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
When i watched it the thing that came into my mind was he said he was acting to help sonny! But i just think he wanted her to wrap her arms around him!


girl with a gutair
LimeGreenNinja96 chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
That was really funny!
May Lily chapter 1 . 11/18/2009

Why has it only gotten 5 reviews? No way, it deserves like, a THOUSAND.

this is so hilarious. :D

Chad's so funny.


you're so FUNNY! :D Eh. Nice work.

'I...I can't...'

"Buy a box of cookies and I'll give you one. :)"

'...I'm such a coward.'


"Woah, woah woah! Zora, Zora!" Sonny and Chad both held back their respective Blossoms. "Chad, the only reason you're helping her out is because her dad owns the studio!"

No shit Sherlock...

"Yeah,, well you're just jealous 'cause I'm a better Blossom than you'll ever be!"

Oh yeah, Chad...great way to treat the girl you're totally in to...


Maybe we should have thought this through more...

'Really? Ya THINK?'

New plan! It's cookie time!

He should've thought it through more. :D That reminds me of that one quote in the wonderful movie Meet the Robinsons.

& this gets me everytime:

"Oh, really? Someone better hold me back!" Dakota and Zora then both grabbed the teens.

"Don't make me take off my shoe!"

You rock. :D

Love, May.
Harryfan94 chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
omg i luve this story and the plot of the episode and i thought the end was really funny too when sonny and chad started fighting
Loved-Invention chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Dakota Condor IS evil. I know it. You know it. It’s a fact. Moving on…

I loved reading Chad’s commentary on it. I think that everyone wondered what on earth was going through his mind; and I think that you captured that perfectly. You also pointed out little things that I constantly wondered about whilst watching the episode.

- The two lunged for each other, and Chad and Sonny both, once again, had to pounce on them to hold them back and avoid a tussle.

"Chad, I can't believe you didn't even thank me for saving your life!" Sonny complained as she held Zora back.

"I'll have you know that I was choking on purpose so you could get your stupid little merit badge. It's called acting."

"Yeah, you're not that good of an actor." –

In the episode, and in your story, I cracked up at that part. Chad’s too cute yet dysfunctional.

You did a great job on this!

TrinityFlower of Memories chapter 1 . 11/16/2009! I just wrote this review and some how I right clicked and like...the window went to my account thing! Gah!

Eugh, rereading again. I love it, don't get me wrong, but certain parts always have an effect on you the first time.

So-I was confused by why you were giving me props-that seems like so long ago, haha. But thank you! *MY mind's still befuddled by the last episode )

Love how Chad and Zora have the same mind set "evil!"

Besides loving this story for itself, I love how it's like a 'hardcopy' of the episode in written format, haha

So, I really wanna examine a blossom scout cookie box-are they just girl scout cookies with different labels? Awh, the many questions.

I always love how SAonny says 'hey!' in this episode!

Did someone really say 'that's ma girl'? huh.

"Hey! You can't do that!" I gotta be honest-Zora sounded REALLY cute there, haha.

'But can't be me.' EEP! The moment we've (I've) been waiting for!

[And then he saw the box of cookies he'd bought from Zora that morning.] YES! thank you for addressing that-it seems like everyone forgot about that part! And what did Zora and Sonny ever do with the 12 boxes they bought from Dakota! They could had resold them!

"Just stop messing with my mind, man!" XD Is THAT what he said! Awh!

[Chad collapsed into the closest chair to regain his energy. He couldn't help but smile as Sonny was presented with her Blossom Scout sash.] THANK YOU for adding that part-I mean, all we see on the screen is his elbow! I wanna know how he 's looking at Sonny!

Dude, your little 'rush' on twitter scared me, haha. I was trying to do homework and like, every 2 minutes I checked in, there were 15 tweets from you, haha. Yeah for this story!
itendswithakiss chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
i dont know why but the 'no shit sherlock' made me laugh..i guess its becuase my friends and i say it ALL the time..anyway..great job :)
june2021 chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
I like it