Reviews for Never Say Never
iamladyliberty chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
okay this was awesome, i really really loved it.

i think you hit on her sorrow and inner self awareness so well, and i loved the ending.

so even though you've marked it complete, i was wondering if you'd consider writing P(N)POV? Because I'd love to know if he was always planning it or if a birthday wish got sent to him, maybe he's 'a little bit psychic' too? ;)

thanks for writing this beautiful piece!
power2corrupt chapter 1 . 12/8/2009
OMG! I want to marry this story. And I want to take Rachel to a castle far away and let her feel loved like she deserves. No one should ever have to be shunned because they have ambition. I love the way you completely nailed her character, and the sheer strength that is always sensed that guides her and keeps her strong when her world keeps betraying her. Thank you for writing this. Writing another would make my life tho! lol jkjk. Seriously, keep writing because you rock, and life is duller without it :)
joker to the thief chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
I know I read this before but I can't figure out why I didn't review it...because holy hell, this is awesome. I adore Rachel and it pisses me off how she gets the short end of the stick most of the time on the show. You totally get Rachel and her loneliness.
klg77 chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Holy crap. This is my Rachel! The Rachel I believe in my heart of hearts her to be. You're the first person I've read who *gets* the lonliness she must feel, being the star and the outsider at the same time. I love this: "And you think the only time anyone ever sees you is when you sing." EXACTLY. So glad to read this. My new favorite.
Stroplok chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
aw, this was beautiful...

i especially love:

You wish for even more than you already have. You cant help yourself.
mvptp chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
im sorry but i think there is some mistake, it says complete next to this story and that just isnt possible!

I need to know what happens next like now!
