Reviews for The Reason Why
Bethesda551 chapter 14 . 2/3
This is freakin great, i need a continuation srsly
NatWolfe chapter 14 . 9/19/2019
I loved this story...
And that special (DNA) connection, may explain more about H calling him "Mr Wolfe"... I'm re-watching the whole serie jut now, and I think I heard him call him Ryan, like... 3 times in the whole series... And even if I liked "Habeas Corpse", CSI: Miami's last episode for the whole show, I still feel some stuff a little forsed... And even if I loved him and respected a whole lot Horatio as a character... He kind of went decliving... nosediving 'till the very end... even if he had his "dear 'H'" moments... I still felt like Ryan, Walter and even Valera, weren't even part of the team... Even Jesse Cardoza was a little "off", until hi passing away...

Anyway, I started babbling... Sorry~
BlueDiamondStar chapter 14 . 3/3/2019
For some strange reason only stars could know I’ve missed this one among millions I’ve read already over the years. And this one was powerful one at that.
Made me almost weep at the office (Sunday’s at work are like half the time me reading fics of my fandoms so I’ve done huge reading so far ).
It was making me relive the episode after which I completely hated Eric and Calleigh. They never was in my favorite list to begin with and especially after Ryan joined the team I only favorited him and a bit Alexx because she was being nice despite saying at first she didn’t need a new friend which I get after loosing one so tragically. I get why they didn’t want to be much friends as I justified this horridness by same reasoning. They were reluctant to befriend because their hearts would be broken again by loosing another one.
So I was kinda happy about Natalia being not so long with them so she had none of that excuse. I liked her much better. Of course Frank, because he’d know Ryan from patrol days and I was okay. But the duo was the one I hated (also Stetler for obvious reasons even more than anyone else)
So after this mistreatment I was furious as hell because I was shocked that being CSI’s nobody thought of tracking Ryan’s phone or Hummer because what the actual heck?!
With all the technology that’s like first thing that comes to mind. Or I’m just being more logical than a room full of cops?
I was so thrilled Walter joined and later Jesse because they immediately became my favorites for being just what they had to be- teammates and friends that actually cares.
And how finally they had brains to clear Ryan after Stetler fiasco. I’d never ever thought he could do such things and thankfully this time they didn’t let Ryan down.
Ah the good times. I miss the show and miss Ryan so badly now *considers finding episodes online and binge watch*
Guest chapter 14 . 5/28/2018
Loves it!
Crazy Pine Child chapter 14 . 7/10/2017
That was AMAZING!
Paula Galtarocha chapter 7 . 6/18/2014
I'm loving this retelling of episode. I was very angry with the behavior of the staff who accused Ryan and not let him explain what happened. Erc made a lot of nonsense and the staff was always ready to help you, including Ryan and Eric did not think twice before judging and accusing Ryan.
Ms Honesty chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
You've been raving over an author who does not know it's enunciated and not annunciated or obviously how to use spell check. What is wrong with you!

Readers For Quality Authorship.
Xx chapter 14 . 4/22/2011
Great story i liked the plot .. but its a bit of a wierd ending.
steamboat chapter 14 . 1/23/2011
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole story. Excellent.
Don Dorcha chapter 14 . 1/1/2011
wow! this was great!
Ihni chapter 14 . 4/26/2010
"... and put on his glasses." Perfect ending. Heh.

HEY! Well done! I just can't seem to get enough of these stories that SHOULD have been after this episode. I was SO pissed that they treated him so badly! He deserves way better.
BoyyM chapter 14 . 2/26/2010
nicely done, well thought out. Read the whole thing in one sitting. Now all it needs is a another story picking up where it left off would love to read more.
hunliner chapter 14 . 2/17/2010
That was great, I loved it very much! Thanks a lot, and write more! :-)
creativesm75 chapter 14 . 1/22/2010
I think this is good
sparky24 chapter 14 . 1/21/2010
Great story, sis. I really enjoyed reading it even though I never watched the show. You made me care about the characters, always a good thing. Also, you did a fine job on the medical stuff. Did you have to do a lot of research? Anyway, a bit envious that you actually finished your story faster than me.
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