Reviews for Deadly Glare
parisavaldez chapter 2 . 11/3/2017
Guest chapter 19 . 10/9/2013
*inhuman happy whale noises *
i like this.
i this very much.
MoonIllusion chapter 19 . 8/19/2013
YAY! I can't wait for the next chapter!
And finally Sasuke and Naruto are together XD
TearsDrippingDown chapter 19 . 8/19/2013
Wooooohooooo! Climax coming up!
TearsDrippingDown chapter 18 . 2/14/2013
Update! Make Naruto take his glasses off!
FaLLenANgeL4545 chapter 18 . 2/10/2013
I love this story! It's soooooo cute! XD I can't wait to c what happens next! •.•
Please update!
ActualCannibalShiaLeBeof chapter 18 . 2/10/2013
nightmareimevil chapter 18 . 2/9/2013
andysanime chapter 18 . 2/9/2013
Good job on this chapter... ehhh I wonder how Sasuke'll take to meeting Gaara? (You know, assuming the person is Gaara and they do take him with them back...) Hmmmm...
andysanime chapter 17 . 2/8/2013
Good job on this story so far, can't wait for the next chapter... If you already mentioned it I'm sorry but... I wonder if Gaara is going to be a 'regular' in the story 3
Kikuchi Touma chapter 17 . 8/4/2012
;w; -hopes Gaara somehow transfers to Konoha and goes to the same school as Naruto-
Erias chapter 16 . 2/7/2012
Aww~ Love you're bringing and having Gaara around in this story. :) Though I'm looking foreward to seeing more of him and I'm curious how he and Sasuke will interact in this story. I'll still be waiting for your next chapter as your~ _
Elluna chapter 16 . 1/31/2012
Mou, author-san! You have a very interesting story here. I applaud you for that.

Tadashi...I hope you don't mind if I give you a constructive critique, ne? _

I have no qualms about the way your plot goes. It's promising, I tell you. However, if you're writing a story, let alone a novel like this, never put dash marks (-) before dialogues. People know that "Oh, they're talking!" and all the jazz. Simply enclose them in quotation marks ("") for dialogues then after that, put the description.

I know this is stupid, but demonstrations are needed, example (Allow me): "Hey, Reika! Where are you going?" Shouji asked as he ran towards his best friend. He was able to recognize her through her long and thick brown hair that swayed through the course of the wind.

Then, after one statement, you can put spaces in between so that people won't get confused. The next sentences are continuation from the first statement: Hearing her name, Reika spun around, only to find herself clumsily tripping over a small rock and falling forwards. Good thin, Shouji reacted fast and caught her in the process. Shouji shook his head, "Mattaku, Reika, you should be more careful."

Reika smacked his head hard, "Idiot!" Then she blushed, "If you just didn't call and surprised me, I won't be tripping." And she stubbornly turned her head to the side.

Continuing the story like this is the correct way. I also noticed that you separate the description from the dialogue like:

Naruto's entire face lit up in relief. (description)

-Thank you so much! he exclaimed (the statement)

Author-san, don't ever separate them or else other avid readers will get confused. Instead, like I said, enclose them in quotation marks then followed by the description, just like what I did. Oho~ by the way, what I wrote is an example and therefore copyrighted.

Another, dashes are used either in between sentences to separate thoughts, if you know what I mean. Also, joining two words that cannot depend on itself. You cannot use dashes for the sake of dialogues or else it would look like a script. Nevertheless, scripts are of different type and dashes are used in a different way.

If ever you're attempting to do thoughts you could always italicize them, like: Reika was blushing as Shouji caught her. She's stubborn and she was practically embarrassed that her crush was there to see her clumsiness. [i]I wish he just disappear...[/i] she thought.

Pardon me, but well, italicizing here is impossible so I did the BBCode. :P Anyway, that method will tell readers that your character is thinking. For flashbacks, you could bold them. Play with your [bold] [italics] and [underline]. They are in Microsoft Word for usage. :)

There's no problem with putting Sasuke's or Naruto's PoV above.

Well, in your other chapters, there are spelling errors, but carry on. People commit mistakes. I suggest you find a beta reader so that you can let them proofread your work to make it more interesting. -

Maa, maa...looks like my critique is quite long...gomen ne. *bows down* I'm looking forward for your story

Mrs. Uzumaki BELIEVE IT chapter 15 . 12/4/2011
I love the story plz write more!
StuckyFan88 chapter 15 . 11/24/2011
this story has got me hooked i hope you write more soon
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