Reviews for A Fine Line
oblivion9032 chapter 8 . 1/9/2015
I love this story!
SilverWhiteDragon chapter 7 . 7/7/2014
serdfikghsd5rhgklkhtdgf Squall MOVED ON. WHAT.
QT05 chapter 7 . 7/5/2014
Aw! I REALLY do hope that you decide to continue this story. It really is a well written piece and it would be a shame to abandon it. It would also make your loyal followers extremely sad to see this fic abandoned.

There is SO much potential. Seifer is finally out of that hell hole but getting into the swing of things isn't as easy. People have moved on and there seems to be no place for him anymore. You could spend a lot of time discussing Seifer's experiences at his new job (good and bad), Seifer's integration into society, nightmares or difficulties in his daily life as a result of his imprisonment, and the growing loneliness. Perhaps he saves an abandoned kitten and adopts it and keeps it for company. Perhaps he gets into trouble with some people who want to get their revenge on him. Maybe Laguna, Kiros, Ward or Squall hear about the incident and decide to do something about it.

Another option is that Seifer runs into someone he knows(eg., Laguna) or who knows him (eg., Kiros) on the street, at the grocery store, or while running after a purse snatcher (anything will do) and he starts making amends and learns more about his parents. Maybe mention what was in the letter Laguna gave him.

Perhaps he bumps into Squall who really has moved on or maybe he hasn't. Maybe is no longer a commander but works for his father in some capacity. Maybe Seifer could help out with some new world catastrophe. Maybe Seifer and Squall just bump into each other on the street, have a talk, and both move on with their lives.

A sad way to finish this story would be to introduce an illness. Maybe Seifer picked up something from prison or got sick as a result of being under a sorceress' control for so long and the sickness is getting worse and worse over time (prisons have crappy healthy care facilities and lots budgets). Sickness could be his salvation from loneliness. The sickness could also bring him closer to Squall. Nothing like an impending doom to light a fire under your butt to get you confront your fears and do what you've been putting off. It's really up to you. There is so much potential. PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE continue this story. I'll be looking for an update. It would make my day.

Awesome work. I really enjoyed up till now. I hope to see an ending. You are a talented writer. *2 thumbs up*
QT05 chapter 6 . 7/4/2014
Wow. This was an intense chapter. I was at the edge of my seat for all of the court scenes. Definitely didn't expect things to turn out like this. I'm so excited about the next chapter.

Really awesome work. Keep it up!
QT05 chapter 5 . 7/4/2014
Another great chapter.

It takes a lot of guts to do what Seifer did. I tip my invisible hat off to him.

I wonder what the verdict will be. Can't wait to read more. Update soon. a cherry on top.
QT05 chapter 4 . 7/4/2014
Awesome chapter. While Squall may have talked more than normal, Seifer tends to bring him out of his shell, so it's believable that he'd talk more in Seifer's presence.

I really liked their heart to heart talk. They just brushed the surface but they got some vital things cleared up. Now, how will the world react to Seifer's return and his relationship with Squall?

Looking forward to reading more. Keep up the good work and keep up those updates.
QT05 chapter 3 . 7/4/2014
Great job on this story so far. You have a great writing style. Everything is detailed and easy to follow.

I like the flashbacks Seifer is experiencing. Very interesting ideas and interpretation of his childhood and up until the beginning of FF8.

Keep up the good work.
Juliakaze26 chapter 7 . 7/2/2014
Please do update...I reread the entire story...and I totally wept for seifer ...can't wait to find out what's next
Chibis Unleashed chapter 7 . 6/29/2014
This feels, at this point, so much like an epic journey and yet just the very beginning all at the same time. It's fairly realistic, the way you've portrayed it all so far. Kudos. I want to say I want to see more, but what Rinoa said about Squall moving on makes me think he's with someone else, and if that's true then I don't particularly want to read about it, and I'm satisfied with having followed Seifer this far. I love stories and I usually love more, but not when I fear what comes next will ruin what came before it for me. Call me That Brand of Fangirl , but I don't want to beg and plead for another chapter only to never review or unfollow and leave you wondering what went wrong. This may be a terrible place to have left off or ended it, but it's already so full of realism and emotion that drags you down into it and makes you think it could really happen. I don't know if you had a plan or a place to go with the rest of it, but I really think with a little tweaking and an existential monologue, it could be complete already. If it makes you happy, you should continue it. If it feels like a chore, it's already pretty damn good.
SLYSWN chapter 6 . 6/7/2010
I loved the way you carried out Seifer's sounded like a real courtroom...In addition I like your take on things, is very different from any other final fantasy story I've ever read. you don't just gloss over the details and jump right into it, no you have this carefully planned out and it shows. SO love this story!
Vysage chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
I am so happy to find this fic! I am so happy to see one about Seifer that finally does not skirt the issue of his crimes and the punishments he'd have to face. It just gives it all the more realistic of a feeling.

I loved the depth you gave his back story, about his parents and the full Time Compression deal. I love the little scenes you created to give Seifer and Squall's relationship a backing. I even love that you have Seifer serve time! It's all a different approach from the norm and it's really great to read something like this.

Thank you for writing and I hope you continue soon! I am really anxious to see what happens.
Bob Da Peach chapter 6 . 3/19/2010
I havn't reviewed in three chapters and I feel bad for that, so sorry.

But I would once again like to say that I freaking LOVE this story.

I think you did Seifers trial brilliantly, it's an easy thing to get caught up in and you kept it brief with all the information needed. A great job indeed!

I laughed quite hard at the mental image of Seifer's face when he heard the verdict and I'm ecstatic that he's not getting put to death! (not that I'd thought you'd do that, you are writing a story about him after all!)

Anyways, enough rambling from me!

Can't wait for the next chapter, and I promise I'll try and remember to review!
itavita chapter 6 . 3/17/2010
I was very excited to see Seifer's sentence, and boy was I surprised! I figured he'd get jail time, but I didn't expect it to be such a light sentence. Though, to be fair, I don't know much about war time justice, so it probably makes sense that he wouldn't be held accountable for some of his actions.

I'm curious to read the next chapter, mostly because I want to see how Seifer deals with being free, yet hated by the rest of the world. I also want to see Edea's sentence and Squall and Seifer's interactions after Seifer is freed.
InvertDouble chapter 6 . 3/17/2010
seifer! ;;
Angry Girl chapter 5 . 2/9/2010
This has been really interesting! an the whole Rinoa half sister thing is the second time I've read this week. Haha though I am glad that it's done in a good way, he's still her knight an still a part of her life etc :-)

But Seifer and Squall I think you have so damn well! the memories were very interesting and I look forward to what comes next! :-)
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