Reviews for Burn and Shiver
Shananigan chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Aww, so sweet!
GentleReader chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Another winner, Sarah! What a sweet, yet totally Puckish gesture...just a small thing that means so much.

I heart Quick! :)
iLoveRomance2o11 chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
cute story! love these two as a couple. i tried reading puck/rachel fics but theyre not the same. these two would be much better. long live Quick! :) i would like a indepth sory about theyre history. i would read it. great work again! :)
Robin Ianthe chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
After this weeks episode, it made me REALLY happy to read this again. If only the writers of the show could do something like this, lol. Also, you should write more. There is a lack of really good Quinn/Puck writers, and you are definitely one of them :)
spinachmuncher chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
I enjoyed the story. I have to say thankyou for all the Quick stories that you keep on coming up with. They are all rather enjoyable to read and any story about Quick you write I would be happy to see posted on this site.

The Green Sword chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Who wouldn't burn and shiver around Puck? lol

Loved this story. I like how your Quinn/Puck stories always address the problem of them not being together, but they're still deeply connected, and they just have to find a way to change their perspective and work to be together. I always like seeing Puck fight for her and chase her, and then Quinn softening under his pressure. Great work again!
only-because3 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
You have such a beautiful way of writing in general but this Quick stuff goes straight to my heart. Absolutely brilliant
Camp Rockians chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Aw... puck and quinn is my new fave couple. thanks for posting!
ClassicBeauty23 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Oh goodness! I am so sorry I didn't review sooner (I still haven't read The Chase *eek*)!

This story was a joy to read.

I LOVED the hug. It was great the way you wrote it too. Because Puck can give her things no one else can.

And the history book was a great testament to that. I loved how he was so determined to get it. Not just for her, but for them. I loved daddy Puck mode.

Should you explore the history of our beloved Quick? Hell to the yea! I would enjoy it soo much and I know you would do it beautifully.

I am off all week and I am def. re-reading/catching up on all your fics.

Your stories really are the best and I have literally enjoyed all of them. I hope you come out with a new one soon.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Happy Holidays.
Lila2 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
i'm jealous that you have time to write. i'm in grading and college recs. one of things i'm most excited about during thanksgiving break is having time to write!

but i digress...i liked this one a lot, especially the quinn parts. puck is static, not in this fic but in general, yet quinn is given new drama every week to help her grow and change. so while i liked the puck stuff a lot it was the quinn elements that really hit home.

the part about puck giving her what her dad can't was the right amount of creepy and but still appropriate and romantic. her dad has been the dominant male figure in her life, and she's used to him swooping in and saving the day; when he refuses, it's logical that replaces him. yet, puck is different. he won't give up on her and he fights for her, and it's an entirely different kind of relationship, a healthy kind of relationship.

i like how she sees two sides to puck and is confused by both but recognizes that she's drawn to him no matter what part he's playing. i like that he pushes her off balance and how unnerved she is by the way he looks at her, like he can see right through her, because that's what scares her most about him - she can't be anyone but exactly who he is and that's terrifying.

of course, i loved the part about the texxtbook. it's such a little thing, yet shows he cares: about her, about her future, and about what matters to her (her grades) even if he doesn't quite realize it himself. it's very like puck to show rather than tell his feelings, and it was a lovely little touch.

great job!
PadmeKenobi chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
I think I'm in love with your beautiful writings of Puck/Quinn. Beautiful, as always. :)
low on inspiration chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Aw, this story was incredibly cute! I liked how you showed that even a simple act (such as retrieving a textbook for someone), can be so much more than just a simple act, it can be much more meaningful. I also loved the note - how it was so simple, and so Puck-like.

I really liked how you described Quinn's feelings and emotions in this - the "burn and shiver" sensation - and how you described Puck as being "two different people"; it was all really well-done :)

I would love to see a story describing Puck and Quinn's history - and I'm absolutely positive anything you write will be wonderful :)
vmars15 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
This was so good! I didn't want it to end!

The history textbook thing was so simple, but so sweet. :)

And heck yes I would love if you did a story of them from past to present. Basically, any story of yours about Puck/Quinn I'll read though, but that idea sounds really good!
zanessa-troyella1032 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Aw! - as always. xD

I wish it would've continued, but there's only so much you can fill in before it becomes full on A/U, I suppose.

Seriously though, this story was beautiful.

The textbook thing was totally a Puck type thing [:

I loved it, as per usual.

Can't wait for gLee this Wednesday!

Let's keep our fingers crossed for Q/P moments!

- Leemah xo
cruiscin lan chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
I really enjoyed this story.
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