Reviews for Perfect Morning
Mannyxx chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Damn now i want a french bf! 333 So hot!
magitmx chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
ooooomfg draco speakin french xxxxD

luv the settin XP aaaaaaamazin!

umm btw do u mind if i translate it into chinese n share it with other drarry fans?

Waitin 4 ur answer

ps its ok if u dont wanna :P
Alli97nomel chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
I truly like it :)

I'm leaning french currently so that was a fantastic bonus in the story plus it's really really hot. Do you have a sequel? I'd really like to read more. In this fanfic Draco is so seductive which you don't find on many Drarry's because they are rushed and not thought about. I seem to have run out of reading the good Drarrys lately so reading this was great and I'm defiantly subscribing :)

This story has such a great outline, clever setting and great ideas. I really do hope you continue :)
dftydeyju chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
Pourquoi est-tu aussi sexy means why are you also sexy, and it is conjugated incorrectly. Should be pourquoi es-tu trop sexy.

You don't really need the trop in j'aime trop ton cul. It has a sense of too or too much.

Harry's name would be spelled the same; I don't know if you're trying to go for some sort of French accent, but in French the H wouldn't be pronounced. Harry would sound exactly like Arry anyway.

Wrong conjugation in the shower question-should be Veut-tu.

If you're using Google translate, it isn't terribly good. It usually only gives you one or two words, and if you aren't familiar with French, you may not realize that they're not the ones you're looking for. I'd recommend . It is edited by native speakers and people who are fluent in French, and gives you definitions for all the words it suggests. It shows you how you can use them in different contexts and it also has a conjugator.
cardcaptor111 chapter 1 . 10/7/2010
That was soooo hot omg draco speaking french is such a turn on! Gaaah so good i loved it that u so much! Harry is soooo lucky!
Stephosaur chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
oh hmm hmm hmm!

i loved this yummy fic!

has two of my fav things!

french speaking and harry/dracoliciousness!
Jamie chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
"Malfoy-jizz." Oh. My. F-.

UCK :)
Rika100 chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
This is great. Well done.
evanescenceangel18 chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Love this amazing story! How the hell do you keep commin up with such amazin stories? Anyways loved this amazing kick ass story. Love ya dear. XD
winky73 chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
Lovely, a great addition to this verse!
redrraine chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
You are my new favourite author! I love this! I've read collecting kisses and the other in this series (can't remember what its acalled. Something to do with eating... you are what you eat! Harry's first time. So I'm going to read more of your stories now! This was oh so sexy and I love the way you wrote Harry and Draco.

*Favourite Author*

*Favourite Story*

*Author Alert*
XxScarletPhantomxX chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
oui je'taime! tres magnifique! and thats about all i know my french is very rusty! lol
JemGirl77 chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
Very, very nice.

I was wondering why they were in France, but hey, a vacation is a vacation I thought.

How may language does Draco speak in your world? :)

The French speaking was a nice touch. I don't know any btw. :)

Now I'm off to bed.
Hitomi-taichou chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
Ahh french is so sexy

how was poor Harry meant to resist Draco's infamous purr, in the sexiest language every spoken?

Burn the turban!
twoxten chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
*nosebleeds* and guhh. i love this little universe that you keep writing in. harry is so adorable and draco, guhh. i want him all for my own.
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