Reviews for Cat and Dog, Hot and Home Alone
Lazy Gaga chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
this was actually amusing on so many levels! good job!
AllTheLosers chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
WOW, that was wow. A good wow mind you.
MelancholicSeastar chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
yuki have a sleepover?


that should be interesting...u gonna continue?
Disgruntled the 8th dwarf chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
There's just something about this pairing that makes me gleeful. I think it's Shigure's perversion and manipulation flying in the face of Kyo's affronted embarrassment. *grins*

It's hard to take Shigure too seriously, especially in his anime incarnation, but I think you managed to strike a good balance between silliness and genuineness; it just seems so in keeping with Shigure's character that he would express real emotion through some overblown, typically romantic gesture half disguised as letchery-the other half, of course, being actual letchery. XD

There's not enough written for this pairing, so it's really good to stumble across such a fun, well-written story; thank you!