Reviews for Jyou's Crush and Crash
Anon chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
In the beginning it was boring, but the end was cute and it was really funny.
Akira Nishikawa chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Aww, I hope Jyou can have more self-esteem, it makes me sad when people write about him like the clumsy guy, I mean its normal for people been nervious and all that stuff, and I do remember that in the anime (more youger) yes he was a little clumsy but also he helped Yamato in his most dark moment so...

I like to think that he conquered those fears and that now he is a person sure of himself, after all, he wants to study medicine so ... good relationships help to grow and mature emotionally lets see if Yamato can help with that XDD

Thanks for upload this chapter so soon I was thinking that I will see the maybe for next week Really Thanks