Reviews for Harry Potter and the Vale of Destiny
James Birdsong chapter 15 . 5/19
Oh so cool
meganlarive chapter 15 . 2/9
I just rerererere-read the whole series and thought I’d leave some love. I do so enjoy this whole thing! Harry/Cedrick is such a rarepair too... anyways I’m sending you all my love and appreciation! I do hope regardless of real life and whether you’ve abandoned it or not, that you’ll leave everything up because it really does brighten my life. Thank you for sharing it!
BkwrmDancer chapter 15 . 11/11/2019
I sincerely hope you get back to those story. I find it incredibly clever and such fun to read.
sev's-sexy-mistress chapter 11 . 3/20/2019
Love this story. I read the omake first that someone sent in a group chat so that's how I first learned of your stories. I spent the last to weeks reading the 2 previous stories and now this one. I hope you come back to finish it some day.
This chapter seemed more than a bit ridiculous to me. The whole Hufflepuff Conspiracy seems like crap. It doesn't really make any sense either, its seems like the American version of "government conspiracy theories." Granted some of those theories are probably correct but the Wizardry World in England is too small for such a thing to actually exist.
I do hope there is a duel but the back and forth seems like a lot of filler rather than actual story. So far Harry has educated and healed himself but that's about it. Lucius and severus are still on the fence about him, he hasn't made much headway with voldie or Dumbledore, done nothing against or for the ministry. Dumbledore doesn't even know yet that harry is against him.
I love your story but I'm getting bored waiting for it to actually go somewhere.
Hunnypooh chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
wait... I'm so confused. and kind of have been since about 3/4 of the way through the last story. yes, harry has the bracelets, but he also got a wand made in france at the same time as cedric... and we havd seen no sign or mention of it since then? the bracelets are nice, but the new wand so supposed to be the end game user and the bracelets a bridge to using that wand, from how I understood the reading. and then he got a fake one and no has still mentioned anything about the real one he got in france? did I miss something? and now harry has somehow forgotten all about that dual wood wand as well.
chloekitty chapter 15 . 2/15/2019
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series however it is now 2019 and not completed any chance you can finish I know all of your fans would love it?
Jimbocous chapter 15 . 10/6/2018
Extraordinarily good story line you have going here. While it's been a while, I hope it's possible that this will continue at some point. Thanks for a great read so far!
dalynch81 chapter 15 . 9/27/2018
Such a great read, I am very very sad that there's no recent update. I am loving this story and your style. Hoping beyond hope you are going to continue this story
dhamann7878 chapter 15 . 7/17/2018
Oh my goodness! Sirius in the British Museum? Can't wait to see where that goes. And please please let Henri meet Molly
Jasamiel chapter 15 . 5/26/2018
Hi, I love the story, I hope you will continue soon.
deansgirl241 chapter 15 . 5/13/2018
can I pretty pretty pretty please has more? I love this series! id love to see it finished.
Bkwrmdraper chapter 15 . 4/4/2018
I so thoroughly enjoy this series, I’m just wondering if you’re still writing or maybe posting elsewhere. . . It’s been so long since you last updated . . . It’s such a fun story I hope there’s more to it.
aemilyl24 chapter 15 . 2/7/2018
This has been such a fabulous story arch. I love this story a lot! I see you haven't updated since 2014, however...which makes me sad. I hope this story isn't abandoned! I would love to see what will happen next. Please try to update again!
Bosma19 chapter 15 . 11/9/2017
Please update and please put some more senses were harry gets a spanking from Cedric or that harry spanks Cedric or that Cedric diapers harry
the clear rabit chapter 15 . 9/1/2017
I would appreciate an update even if it's once that you stopped writing. If that isn't the case I hope that there's more coming soon.
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