Reviews for Dreamscape
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2/2002
AAAWWWW! How absolutely adorable!
LOTR Fan chapter 1 . 1/19/2002
Oh...that was amazing! You are an awesome writer. That was a joy to read- so beautiful, and finished perfectly. I aspire to write like you;) I am in awe. Please write more!
Isabeau of Greenlea chapter 1 . 1/18/2002
I thought this was very nice. I don't mind well-written slash, but not as a steady diet, and if it's all that's getting posted, it gets old. Stories like this that are written about the stuff in between are most welcome.
Lotesse chapter 1 . 1/18/2002 so hard...that was so sweet...

Oh, brilliance of Lagamorph the angst-master! I absolutely adore Sam, especially little Sam. That was one of the most endearing Sam/Frodo stories I've ever read. By all means, keep writing!

I can think of nothing more to say. I'm still stunned.