Reviews for Summoning Xellos
Fenrir Riku chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
Wow. This is an extremely well done story, the kind that I could sit around and read all day. Even without any heavy citrusy content, it still has the same alluring appeal of a professional. Fun characters, easy to relate to and don't we all know someone annoying and frusterating and adorable like Xellos? There was one thing about your story that I absolutely did not like though. It ended. That was entirely too disappointing.
SoLeo chapter 1 . 3/14/2011
Fabulous story! I got pulled in immediately and wished there was more when I got to the end. Although I wonder what the purple collar actually was - just a fashion statement? or a way for Xellos to not be bound to another wizard...

I would love to read something of those two traveling together. I really liked the little world you created there.
Pixie Pan chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
This is such a cute, sweet fic. I LOVE it! Esp. the catfight between Xelloss and Pokota. XD
InsertANameHere chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
Wow! That was amazing! And beautifully-written! And... and... stuff! Would you mind if I said I love you for writing this? No? Good. :D
run-for-your-life-hikari chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
THIS WAS AMAZING FANTASTIC! FANFICYNESS! I LOVED IT! This is even better than some of the longer more elaborate (hardly more elaborate actually) stories I've read. A truly fantastic read and you deserve all kinds of wonderful praise for this plot bunny! Thanks for the fic!
Amy Yuy chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
Wow that was long! it was good but i didnt realize how long it was lol! I think the chain thing was a bit kinky lol. I love how Xel-chan tricked Amelia into cleaning the house, that was great! OMG the kissing scene with Zel-chan and Amelia was classic I laughed so hard! But Xel-chan is good with kids? o_O And the way Xel-chan kept saying master reminded me of I Dream of Great fic! now I must go to bed so I can get up and deal with one year olds all day! lol!
Skyrere chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
This was delightfully Alternate Universe. I enjoyed it very much despite my raging heterosexuality. XD

I giggled a lot.
Chocolate Covered Demon chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
This is so sweet, and very well done! I wanted to "d'aw"
tsutsuji chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
Oh, so much to love in this! *big happy smile* I'm going to leave a more detailed, squee-filled review over on LJ, so I'll just say that I love it all to pieces, and it totally fulfills my expectations for the prompt. Thank you! *hugs*