Reviews for Fabas Indulcet Fames
1tE5o6 chapter 4 . 7/17/2012
Me after finishing this fic.
"Holy fuck... Did I seriously just READ THAT?"
I stumbled apon this fic by chance XD But MYGOD I LOVE IT! YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING!
neuenfang chapter 4 . 11/17/2010
Hi! So I've probably read what you have up of this story about ten times, I love it! Alsooooo, I creeped your profile... :$ ...and saw that you said you had it finished you just needed to edit it! GAHH! I'm pumped, you better be putting it up soon!
Little Kunai chapter 4 . 4/12/2010
update asayc please!
Little Kunai chapter 2 . 4/12/2010
awesome! your writing this very well. sorry kakuzu but your just as human as the rest of them.
Little Kunai chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
fantastic! i love this and what a neat pairing. i've never seen it before.
Cirrat chapter 4 . 4/5/2010
Well, are you going to complete this or is it completed? It could very well end here, but somehow it left me very curious about what's gonna happen to them and with them...
Onileo chapter 4 . 1/15/2010
Okay, you've really got me hooked now. I love it, and I wish I could think of a really great review for you, but I think I fried my brain. I'll try anyway. The characters are awesome, the plot is awesome, writing...awesome. I'm sitting here thinking, 'she writes this well and she loves my writing?' I'm definitely needing moar! lmao

Keep up the fabulous work!

AmIOtaku chapter 4 . 1/10/2010
How long ago did I say that I would leave a review? That long right? Bad me. Anyway, I don't think what I write this time will in anyway compare to my last reviews to any of your fics, so sorry if I disappoint.

Tenten cares too much of how others will judge her and her actions. That much is apparent. She even worries in this situation what kakuzu will think of everything she does and says. Maybe what I'd like to see her take from this time together, by the end of the fic, is that she shouldn't give too much of a flip how others perceive her. Maybe she'll get from him the strength(courage) to learn the art of getting what you want or need for yourself and be on your merry way. Already you see tough Kak being affected by her so much by what little she's done, that he is, albeit begrudgingly, starting to assume some semblance of caring for her thoughts and feelings.

I'm glad to read him being more "friendly" to her towards the end of this chapter, although it is not really friendly banter, but it's more than one would probably expect from him.
WolvesKey chapter 4 . 1/8/2010
I really like this story, such detail!

It's really sweet how they are getting along rather well, you've done a really good job, keep up the good work! :D

Btw, sorry I didn't review sooner, my internet weren't working -.-
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 4 . 1/7/2010
that was interesting!
mieuwings chapter 4 . 1/7/2010
Awesome job on this chapter. I loved everything, but in a few parts I felt as if you were just rambling on. Other than that, keep up the good work!

Kharbyn chapter 4 . 1/6/2010
Cool! So now Kakuzu must show his face no matter what (I personally like him better without his mask, anyway). I wonder what'll happen while she's out though...that'll be very interesting.
waterdragonrai chapter 4 . 1/5/2010
Very interesting. You're characterization of both Tenten and Kakuzu is interesting and realistic. I will be watching this.
AmIOtaku chapter 3 . 12/31/2009
I am sad and a little depressed by this chapter. Not because it's not great. That is absolutely not the problem.

I just find it sad, when combined with all I've read to now, that the characters seem to have no self worth, at least not anymore... not even Kakuzu who puts worth on everything!

I mean, now he's actually referred to himself as an asset. Assets are meant to be good things that are important. Shouldn't be just tossed. I guess we are all assets to someone for some reason, but it's like, because he was forgotten on this battle site, he is truly just a tool to be used and discarded when it's thought to be old or broken or something, and not someone of value. Even though he knows that he should and is a value, but being discarded can still skew even a person's high confidence perception on self worth. Then another person had to come along, who was also broken, but less an asset it seemed and more a shadow, and fix him.

Then, her cries out to him in her sleep (or fever induced delirium, I have no idea), she seems so desperate to hang onto him, to have some purpose than to be that 'other' group member- the odd weapon specialist. I kind of wonder at there being some sort of symbiotic relationship. I think I mentioned something like that in my first review. There's already some attraction between the two, appreciation for physical attributes, and other things, but I'm starting to think that their view of their own dispensability is what is really drawing one to the other. Even though neither has made mention to the other of their positions, it can really only be a guessing game between the two from how they have come upon one another.

Type much for this review?

Told you this might be a little loopy of a review. hope it made some sense. writing on sleep deprivation. Might be good for creativity, but not so much on clarity.
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 3 . 12/26/2009
u should make the paragraphs shorter, they're hard for me to read!
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