Reviews for Death
WinterSoldier123 chapter 2 . 11/28/2015
You know what I think you should do? I think you should do a sequel or two to this, and have it to where an unknown villain raises Cyclonis from the DEAD
Pascy chapter 2 . 11/30/2009
I hate Piper so much! Good riddiance she died! I was happy! I know you probably wanted the opposire effect but my hate for her is too overwhelming! And I'm glad that Aerrow's heart broke aswell! Wonderful, brilliant, fantastic! :)
Pascy chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
OK you want me to flame you, well I'll try my best. It was very unrealistic! Dark Ace would be with Cyclonis, I'm sure of it and Cyclonis is too evil to seek redemption. Also it is fact that Cyclonis thought of Piper as a friend at some stage because she couldn't kill her in ep.6 . Ok that's all I can think of bad! It was really good though otherwise!
smileyfacer chapter 2 . 11/29/2009
Aw! It was cute!

I would write more, but it's morning and I can't come up with anything.. :P
Tail Ring chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
This is quite good, I must say it really is. Cyclonis isn't my favourite character, she's not insane or evil enough for me, lol. XD

Keep writing!
smileyfacer chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
This was really interesting. Like all your stories ;)

It doesn't really surprise me the way Cyclonis acted; even when she is on her deathbed she is a total bitch. And what Finn said was funny! But, I gotta admit it's both kinda cute and weird that they cry. It's cute because as you wrote, she's a person and we should grief over anyone who dies, strangers or not, evil or not. On the other hand, it's weird that they don't really celebrate that their worst enemy, the one who is (probably) responsible for all their sorrow, and many others in the Atmos. Yet, what would all the squadrons do if there weren't any evil to fight?

Can there be light, without dark, or good without evil?

Wow, what a long review I gave. XD