Reviews for Flowers for the Dead
Rogue15 chapter 5 . 1/13/2014
Now this one is interesting. Seen similar premises before, but never with these characters. Could be interesting as a full story. Ranma messing up Eva is always fun to read.
Rose1948 chapter 8 . 1/26/2012
Chapter 1: I loved “Ghost” when I saw it at the theater. ::chuckles:: It would be an idea for, say, a short story type fanfic I'm thinking. Something I'd read, that's for sure. ::nods::

Chapter 2: Split with a twist! ::laughs:: Now THIS has possibilities! Two bodies, two brains, yet connected in such a way as to... ::thinks:: resemble networked computers? A LAN? Feh... Modern tech analogies elude me. ::chuckles:: Still, the hilarity situation would be well-nigh endless!

Chapter 3: Not familiar with “Love Hina” at all. Nice story and all, however. Be interesting to see what, if anything, your mind would come up with should you decide to flesh this out.

Chapter 4: I'd like to see this expanded if only to see you give the Amazon a well-deserved kick in the ass. They're no better than Akane with their bullying, controlling, and abusive ways. And that's strictly from the manga!

Chapter 5: I'm a sucker for anything Ranma/NGE. ::chuckles:: They're the two manga I'm most familiar with. After reading this chapter, sounds like this Naru isn't any better than Tendo Akane. ::shakes head:: I have to admit that it would be nice to see Ranma as well as Ami give Gendo what for. ::snickers::

Chapter 6: Another one I like! Yes, it's sad and yes, there's some angst in it. It would be interesting, however, to see how Ranma “grows” from this happening to him. As for an Akane pairing, well, just because she's a TAD nicer in this story doesn't mean that one of the other sisters couldn't find him more acceptable. ::chuckles::

Chapter 7: Hilarious! ::fol:: A really neat beginning and Ranma seems to have someone who likes him from the get-go. Truly worthy of being in the “To Be Continued” file. ::nodnods::

Chapter 8: This one... Well... It's an “eh” one and all. Then again, I never was one for Marvel. ::shrugs:: Then again, that's just me. ::nodnods::
Dlikee chapter 4 . 5/29/2011
please please please write a full story on this one, the nab/ranma pairing is my fav
W.I.T.C.H.RULEZ chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
I want you to continue the Ghost story i never seen an idea like that!
I am whatever you say I am chapter 8 . 1/6/2010
-_- Oh dear... Well, it was interesting to say the least. What a way to end a pile of unfinished fic ideas than with something as... I don't even have a word to describe it off the top of my head. The feelings portrayed behind a "sweat drop" and/or "face palm" comes to mind. I'm not too obsessed with anime/manga/etc. to use them outright. I think I would have preferred Akane as a female version of "The Thing" than as She Hulk, because I think that just taints the character of She Hulk... :p And when Ranma was revealed as superman or one of the super-beings with the blue and the big S, I audibly groaned... That was just too much, honestly. And Nabiki as the human torch? *sigh* Anyway, I'm not going to speak too badly of the fic idea. I think I'll be glad you aren't going to try to continue it, but hey... I think it's a matter of taste. It kept me entertained for a few minutes, so it served its purpose. ;p
I am whatever you say I am chapter 7 . 1/6/2010
Ok, this time I can agree with you from experience that there are a few where Ranma is revealed as, becomes a, etc... saiyan. I did like this look at it, that Ranma is a hero, by accident, and then makes that wish of his. I'm curious as to why Ranma allowed himself to be female at all in the Tendos' presence given his first wish, but that could be from inability to remove the fact he changes with water, and had just walked in from the rain, or something along the lines of "because that's how the series began, etc." Anyway, I thought it was very cute, and Pan's taking a liking of Ranma, while done before as well, is still a likable concept.
I am whatever you say I am chapter 6 . 1/6/2010
Wow... This one wasn't exactly a downer, but it WAS... hmm, I think I've used a lot of adjectives for that particular section of the emotional spectrum, I'm unsure what else to say. Somber, Sad, Depressing, something like that. It was expected, though, and you did warn the reader. It would have been quite the shock without that warning. I must also say, that through a variety of plots you're still a good writer. I also envy the amount of fan fiction you've read as you keep saying this or that idea has been done before, but I don't remember ever seeing them. Not that I am a connoisseur, personally, but I can't imagine how much you've read and then how much you've written, or how many ideas you've decided not to write. You're right, the confrontation with Shampoo, when she finds out about his male half more concretely would have been interesting. I would fear for Shampoo, though. I doubt Ranma would ever kill her, given his character, but he would perhaps wrecked her to the point she'd not be able to practice the arts as efficiently. I can also only imagine with his more dour attitude what his interaction with Ryoga would have been like, especially if he had started getting attached to Akane and that close call with his Bandana. Would he eventually learn the Shi Shi Hokoudan instead of the Moko Takabisha? Or perhaps a thrid alternative if he let his anger get ahold of him like it seemed to do against Kuno... That would be scary. Anyway, perhaps food for thought and perhaps it may lead to something more? _ If I'm just blind and have not seen that you HAVE continued one of these, I apologize, and please point me toward them, or if you've heard of someone else continuing them.
I am whatever you say I am chapter 5 . 1/6/2010
Wow, Another extremely charged fanfic idea. I'll try to keep this review word count down. First off, like mentioned, massive crossovers can be interesting and can work together very well, making the reader, especially, ponder the idea and think "Huh, never thought of that before." I'd say this qualifies as one of those. Then again, massive crossovers can also degenerate into massive messes that are usually not as much fun to read.

As for this one, it was very interesting. A "Sliders ripoff" for sure, but it used the concept well. I'm VERY interested in the calamity that caused the massive amount of displacement, how the people linked up, if there were previous groups of people where some members split off, others joined up, etc. I'm also curious about something that would be in a prequel about why Ranma stated it as "'Don’t worry, Ranma Saotome doesn’t lose... not anymore.'" And a mention of his promise to Akane. Could it be related to how he became a Shinigami? There's so many questions brought up. Anyway, I did enjoy this as I have seen some of Evangelion, Sailor Moon, and Ranma, though I have said before I don't know of Love Hina's universe, so Shinobu's char., after a quick google to confirm, was lost on me almost entirely.

I still wish you luck, and perhaps after I finish another chapter or so of this fragment pile, I will try to read some of your other work. Any suggestions, perhaps?
I am whatever you say I am chapter 4 . 1/6/2010
Hmm, well, I hadn't ever read/watched, etc. Love Hina, so I couldn't quite review that one, but I couldn't pass up the chance for reviewing this one. I apologize if my review seems a bit scrambled.

It's a very interesting prospect, and may have been used before in different variation: another amazon artifact, like the love pills, or that broach, but with varying abilities, caveats, etc., is used on a Ranma and/or other anime cast member. The idea used is very... harsh, in my opinion. Which, from other reviews (and I limited to review reading to those of chapters 1-4, so if more was mentioned in another review, I may have missed it) and from yourself, seems to be a common opinion: it is harsh to have someone's will partially stripped of them. Not just Nabiki's, as well. Ranma has a choice, but either way has not so great consequences, and so his "free will" has been hindered. It is a very interesting idea, and I'd never heard of it before. I don't know if I like the idea or not, but I do find it annoying how it was stopped at such an early stage. Not that I can blame you because it is YOUR free will whether or not to continue it, despite you having been bitten by a plot bunny causing you to write thus far already. Seeing Happosai take such action in this fragment was another but of enjoyment. I've never really liked his character, but the times when he's shown for more than just a pantie thief can be worth it. I dislike Tai Khan's idea: Make Xian Pu a slave to Ranma as well. It is sort of poetic in it's justice served upon Khu Lon, but it would make Ranma's existence that much worse and tarnish his honor further by having two slaves. Not even wives, but slaves. It doesn't seem right and a horrible idea on how to continue the story, should you so do so. I doubt you would, but I don't know you too well. And if someone else were to continue this story, I dunno if they'd be able to do it justice as you've started it. If you like Lord of the Rings, it would be like having a completely different cast, director, etc. trying to do the second and third movies than who did the first. I also want to add that the question(s) brought up on the ethics/morality/etc. of the situation are interesting. They usually are when one is faced with a horrible decision with perhaps horrible consequences and an even worse decision with perhaps worse consequences. I can't really say what I think should happen. I can say that making Shampoo Ranma's slave shouldn't end well if the author wrote the characters well enough to their original personas. I can say that other possibilities conclude badly when Cologne finds out the truth of the situation and tries to further force her hand. I can say that the new type of relationship between Ranma and Nabiki could end up affecting the others maybe horribly or maybe favorably depending on just slight nuances of the characters involved. All in all, I don't know how to sum up the review on this chapter. I like it, but I don't like parts of it. I like parts of it, and yet I don't like larger parts of it, etc. I'd like to beg for more, but I doubt that would help my case. _

I wish you luck and I will continue reading on. I hope you don't look at my reviews as if I'm spamming the review board...
I am whatever you say I am chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
Heh, I think you should warn people in the story, like an extra disclaimer, when you do something like this! I try NOT to read descriptions of stories, and so, I found this story in some search I did, and began reading it without reading the description. The title seemed apt for this first chapter, and so I continued to the second chapter to be surprised, confused, disappointed, and yet also delighted. I'm sure you can imagine my confusion as I started reading the second chapter/story fragment. I thought I'd take the time to review the first, then second chapter, and then see where I go from there and if I continue reading fragments and/or your other works.

Ghost: I was saddened at the thought of Ranma with a broken neck from within the first few pages of the Manga and then wondered how the story would continue. Only within the past week, having read up on The Endless and the constituent members, I was surprised to recognize Death before her name was mentioned. I found this a very interesting crossover concept.

Before I continue: I do like to mention Technique and etc. before getting into the Content. Your writing is clear, and descriptive. You paint a clear picture, and it's not hindered by spelling and/or grammar errors. It's a delight to the eye to read.

As for the content, some of which I've already commented on, I have to say I enjoyed it. You really kept true to Ranma's character, though I can't say much for Death's character, and while the others weren't mentioned much of, it seemed you kept true to their personas as well. Kasumi jumping to help, Akane secluding herself from the outside when something horrible happens, Nabiki playing the photographer, and also the one to work with the official paperwork and keeping her family safe even through not entirely legal means, like lying to the cops, Soun and Genma with their alcoholic tendencies, and then the shock of having frigged up yet again and not really moving to help... A special absence is Nodoka from the funeral as Genma hadn't yet informed her of her sons death nor brought her to the funeral. And the note of Ranma shifting back to his girl form to let the emotions out, that was a nice touch. This was very well written, and I must say I'm disappointed it wasn't and/or may not be continued as I'd be interested more in the mechanics of how Ranma could help shape Akane's destiny after his death. And this is a very somber, etc. interpretation of the Ranma Story, and I am disappointed I may not be able to read more of this particular interpretation, though I'll be able to read more of your work instead.

Ranma 2/1: Again, like with Ghost, the writing is excellent. I'll just make that note so I don't increase your ego too much more by re-iterating what I've said before and/or just copy/pasting it.

The content was, again, an interpretation that I'd not heard before and am sad to see it may not be continued. It, like Ghost, seemed it could have had promise. I'll also have to look for the fanfic that altered the curse so that Ranma split into two bodies, not just changed with water. It was interesting to note that Nodoka had a much larger role in Ranma's life, like keeping two old fools from arranging an engagement with children who were very young and/or not been born yet. You seemed to hint the pact was made while Nodoka was pregnant when think it's usually discussed as though the arrangement happened long before either of them had children, but Kasumi and Nabiki would have been born already in your interpretation. Also, pain is shared between the bodies, but is it only pain, or are injuries shared as well? How good Ran-ma/-ko at multi-tasking? Other questions I'm sure you've heard, or that I could ask, but you seemed adamant in not continuing the story, so I won't press the issue. I did like the idea of Genma finally manning up, ironically enough, it would seem, and taking himself and Ran-ma/-ko to his wife's/their mother's house. The original storyline: taking Ranma to the Tendo's instead of Nodoka's only seemed like he was trying to force Ranma to wed and have children as final proof of being a man among men. The revelation of the curse would also have been an interesting sceen to include, but it was very cute to have Ran-ma/-ko being teased by Nabiki, etc. along with the other indications that Ranko was into women as much as "her brother" was. And the final scene of Ranko being invited into Akane's room was cute and funny as well.

Anyway, I think I've blabbed on about this enough, I will try to read more later.
Taechunsa chapter 6 . 12/30/2009
You know, it really is too bad that I am a fool.

"This was written back when I still thought there could be a chance for a Ranma & Akane match-up. How foolish I was then."

At least it is good to know what your stories are going to be from now on.

It really is a shame since your best story is a Ranma & Akane matchup. :Shrugs: Go figure.
tahu24 chapter 2 . 12/13/2009
interesting consept this is a story i would love to see more of
Sopchoppy chapter 2 . 12/5/2009
Really like the story you have going in Ranma 21, I think it would be a good candidate to continue.
KillerWombat chapter 8 . 12/3/2009
Hm I personally would like to see Ranma 2/1 & The Proper care & feeding of Nabiki continued.
Radio Driver chapter 8 . 12/2/2009
Lovin this idea. Keep on keepin on.
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