Reviews for Blood Of My Blood
spnlittlebro chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Congratulations! You've been rec'd at spn_littlebro! A livejournal community for rec'ing hurt Sam/Jared fic, art and vids.
ThePlotHolesMadeMeDoIt chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
This is good, really well written. My first thought was why gine Sammy a heroin addiction when he was already addicted to demon blood, but this story really worked.

Chjajcjjslakncjska chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
Christ i love this. Especially the ending :)
Satyra J chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
wow this story is really good, its so raw. And let me tell you that spider scene is frighteningly accurate. It sent chills down my spine.
doyleshuny chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
That was excellent! I truly loved it. Very well written.
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
bloody hell love, i loved the real life evidence in here :)

a warning and an insight x

thankyou, and we can all pretty much believe Sam would maybe fall that far for Dean

aww this was brill! xx
Adara-chan67 chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
Oh, my God, hon, this was HEARTBREAKING and WONDERFUL! Poor, poor Sammy! I cried at the part about the "good trips" and then I was just plain creeped out by the bad ones, witht he spiders. 'Cause EW.

And oddly enough, I love that Sam kept doing the drugs even after Dean came back. It's obviously more realistic and all, but it also adds some serious depth to the story. You know, you think this whole story is taking place while Dean is still in Hell and then-whoops-wrong!

Anyways-thanks for this! (It seems odd to say thanks for such a very sad story, but it was just so good!) Hope to see more from ya soon!
GaelicAngel chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
Great story.

I loved it not that see Sam turning to drugs but I think it's still better then suck demonblood.

I liked your idea and I read this twice and it kinda gave me an idea for something.

Love your work and loved your story.
kasman chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Very touching. I liked this a lot.
DontKnowMyName chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
I have to admit when I saw this prompt over on lj I was a bit weary of reading it. Then I saw you picked it up and I had to check it out. I'm really glad I did cause it was done so well! I guess I was nervous of how Sam would look cause I'm always afraid of him being trashed (if that makes sense lol) but you still made him Sammy and you made it believable which I kind of thought would be hard. Should have known though! )

Great fic!
vonnie836 chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
You know, I really liked how you wrote this. You stated it was a choice, a choice Sam made. It's like so many choices we make that are wrong. Most of them just don't lead into dependency and death. Even in addiction you make a choice, the choice to continue rather than look for help. Until you make the choice to break the circle, you can't be helped, can't get out of it. Now I'm rambling, anyway, your story made me think and I loved it. Hugs, Vonnie
november winds chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
This is such a raw, amazing story. The anecdote about your boyfriend was also very touching. Great job!
supernaturaldh chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
Very good story. Made me really feel for the kid. Denise
onemediumdrip chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
This was very well done. Heart-felt, sad, and touching. You didn't over-do anything in this, which I found impressive. Usually with these kinds of stories, people go completely overboard, but you managed to keep it simple and realistic. Great job.
carocali chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
So sad when addiction hurts those around you. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Sam was lost and it could have totally gone this way - except that his addiction ended up being much worse. Ugh.

Always happy to see a new story from you!


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