Reviews for To Survive
mlynd chapter 5 . 12/14/2017
your story has caught my attention I hope u continue it , I too play the game and really adore Alistair the first time I played I made Logain a warden thinking stragnth in numbers ..oh man imagine my shock at Alistair leaving I was LIKE OMG! no no no LOL
Thot84 chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
Well writen, nicely done with the interaction (especially the Fergus/Alistair part convinced me) and I still don't find it too lime.

At least, so far ;)

Concerning the plot spoilers at the end in your Author's Notes: That something is bound to happen, is obvious. Notherwise you wouldn't waste your time with this.

The only thing what puzzled me in this chapter is Aliea was "save" enough over months during the pregnancy and the time after it on Highever, but now she so afraid to spent one day there with Fergus. I completely understand that she finds it unrational herself, but still...
MitchRapp chapter 3 . 4/29/2010
I really like your story is has a lot of character development and interactions with the family, but you could probably include more actual fighting. (Maybe a nightmare flashback of the battle in which the daughter was almost lost or more description on a current rebellion rise). Also, please don't let Fergus fall in love with Anora or something like that. I really hated her character in the game and felt sorry for Fergus. A little more happiness in your story might help it.
Teutonic Knight 92 chapter 5 . 2/18/2010
This is a real good story and well written. Please continue it
Merithea chapter 5 . 1/21/2010
No flaming, and nothing personal, I just spend my time reading rather than writing, I know, bad of me. I LOVE this story. If it interferes with your rl, then hiatus it is, but if you are willing, please continue. I cannot write and have no imagination of my own...I need others to sustain my life's blood! :D Seriously, this is a great story, extremely imaginative, and frankly, I have three that are extreme favorites, this is one of them.
snickersd chapter 5 . 1/21/2010
I had just read through all the chapters yesterday, and was really excited to a new chapter up today.

I really like the politics that showed up in this chapter. It's interesting to watch characters who are probably more used to straight-forward have to deal with intrigue and maneuvering.

Really can't wait to see Ali and Morrigan go toe to toe again, probably be epic.
odiedragon chapter 4 . 1/12/2010
Even if you don't read the rest of the books, read the epilogue of The Calling... especially if you're worried about Ali becoming a mage... let's just say it's possible that she could.

I look forward to more Morrigan/Alistair snarking :D
ilmiopassato chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Really liking this story so far as well. Their daughter is so cute! But I'm kinda curious whether or not Alistair and Cousland will try to do something about Anora's rule, seeing as Alistair should have the throne by rights - and perhaps now he seems more ready to take up the responsibility. I would like to see our favorite pair redeemed. ;)

I'll be back soon for the rest!
NOBLAHBLAHBLAH chapter 3 . 12/28/2009
All I have to say is that I love this story so far, and I love the way you write!
EmbersOfAmber chapter 3 . 12/24/2009
More enjoyable plot layers! I, too, have always liked Morrigan. I'm glad to see you add her.

Have a great holiday! _
odiedragon chapter 2 . 12/15/2009
The thought of Fergus/Anora has come up before, once when I was in the Swooping Is Bad chat discussing what to do with Anora in my fic (which is the complete opposite of yours, so don't worry!) I plan to have her stuck in a monastery in Highever, supposedly under Fergus's "watch"... and "hilarity" ensues. Possibly Zevran-laced hilarity.

I think what you're doing with the idea is fabulous however, from a story perspective anyway. On a character level I want to punch him in the face! ;)

Have I mentioned how much I love this story? I'm mentioning it again. :D
coffee-house-girl chapter 2 . 12/15/2009
I always wished that I could have killed Anora in the game too. Like, they let you kill Howe and Lohgain but you can only put Anora in a tower. I'd have seen her dead. Anyway, she's still totally miserable with her paranoia just like her father. I also think it's funny that you put them in Orlais. The fact that Bryce Cousland and all of those people fought so fiercely against Orlesian occupation and now their kids are having to find refuge there. I think that this was an excellent chapter.
EmbersOfAmber chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
I'm so glad you chose to continue this storyline. I really enjoyed this chapter. (-:
Guest chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
I really enjoyed 'Don't Let Go' and I feel just the same about this sequel. I'm quite eager to see where you'll take your story. It had me hooked from start to finish and now I'll get a little less sleep. At least, it ends my night on a good note. I look forward to the next chapters! :D
Ryoko Metallium chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
I'm so hooked on this story! I've been wondering how Alistair would handle fatherhood seeing as how he can be as bit as a child himself. But he seems to be handling it very well, mainly because half the time he's probably always worrying about his wife and daughter's safety all the time. Can't wait to see a new update!