Reviews for Dancing With Myself
EverlastingMuse chapter 33 . 8/12/2010
great story! update soon!
SlySmilesStutteringHints chapter 33 . 7/26/2010
If I give you 101 reasons to update... Would you update? I LOVE this story. Like.. a lot. You are a fantastic writer. And I'm pretty picky when it comes to reading longer stories like this.

QotU - :P I don't know if it's my favorite, but for some odd reason, I adore Culvers. :)
HEY-TEENAGE-GLASS chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
saphronandspice chapter 33 . 7/13/2010
Please, please update! I'm on my knees here. This story is awesome :D.
Brightsun chapter 33 . 7/4/2010
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write another chapter! You are leaving me at a cliff hanger you are an amazing writer and I can't get enough of this story!
Chloris chapter 33 . 4/26/2010
This is such a brilliant story that I stayed up until 1:30 am trying to finish it (and then fell asleep halfway through this chapter).

You write Artie's insecurities really well and Tina's problems with her parents too; I have a friend going through the same thing. Anyway, very well done. I can't wait for the next chapter.

QotU: I'm not a fan of fast food, but I've got to say Harvey's, simply because we don't have them where I live and so they remind me of family roadtrips.
Midnight Chocolate chapter 33 . 2/13/2010

please take a look, and update it more..

Delilah's Soliloquy chapter 33 . 2/10/2010
Your story made of awesomeness. Seriously, I've been alternating between laughing out loud, trying to stifle those laughs so people don't look at me strangely and smiling one of those wistful little smiles I get during the sweet, touching parts. It's so frustrating for us...we can all tell they're made for each other; the only ones who don't seem fully aware of it are Artie and Tina! But that's good drama for you, right there. Can't wait for the update!

QotU: Hm...Nathan's, I'd say, but *specifically* from the original Nathan's in coney Island. Worth a trip every time, even in the winter when it's totally deserted (been there, done that). I'm betting it's because they still cook everything in the original 1917 grease, but it's just a theory.
E. Maggie England-King chapter 33 . 2/9/2010
42nd Dreamer chapter 33 . 1/18/2010
D'aw! This story just gets better and better.

I'm counting this as a double review for these past two chappies.

“First, she was high off of the ‘quil”? So basically I love you...

What total kickassery all around. I can’t even tell you. And I feel you on the Tuesday/Thursday crazies—I’m just rolling back from break myself, and I have Shakespeare at 8 am MWF. Now I love the Bard, but that ain’t fair.

QotU1: GAWD I have to pick one? Probably a tie between fresh mozzarella and goat cheese. I have slightly bizarre taste. XD

QotU2: Tough choice since I don't really eat fast food much. I'ma have to say Dominoes.

Now I can close my day with a mental image of Tina and Artie being all cuddlebug on the couch. Freaking adorable...
Lady Anja chapter 33 . 1/18/2010
aw, i'm reading a story about ill glee kids while i'm ill myself.

good job, as always, i think i caught a "you" that was supposed to be a "your" but that's the only correction.

artie's stupidity is starting to wear on me. come on boyo! you know you like her and she likes you. the high school angst is very up there. good job for making it so realistic though.

where does the story go from here? i will gladly follow this forever, but i want to make sure you have clear goals and a plan.

keep up the excellent work!

my favorite restaurant for food is arby's. i love their curly fries. but i love sonic's drinks. i wish they had a sonic where i lived. showing the commercials all the time but not having one around is just torture. m cherry-limeade!
loveyoumeanitbye chapter 33 . 1/17/2010
Artie tell her you love her already! Hahaha! He's so adorable, she's so sweet, they just need to get together! Kurt gets brownie points for being there to calm down the craziness that is also known as Mercedes. I really do love it though! Great job!

Fave Restaurant? I don't have one, well any place that serves awesome Italian food I'm there! :D
mystic.x.o.pip chapter 33 . 1/16/2010
bahahaha love it when kurt and mercedes interfere:) if only on the actual show right? good job:)
hey.moon.hello.goodbye chapter 33 . 1/16/2010
oh, like this one. your kurt and mercedes were really good, in my opinion. you got them really well.

for the QotU... i really like fuddruckers (which is sorta like in-n-out). it's kinda bad though because i'm a vegetarian so mostly i just eat chili fries.
xnerdark chapter 33 . 1/16/2010
I always forget to answer the QotU because I get caught up in my review. So I'm going to answer before my actual review. My favourite fast food restaurant is In-n-Out Burger.

Really good chapter. Something I'd reread again. I like your characterizations of Kurt because it's pretty subtle, but it's spot-on.

I like Artie reaching out for her and then being rejected. At least Artie offered her a way out of their arrangement, so he's not stringing her along. I hope they can move forward though.

This made me hungry.
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