Reviews for Fred is SO Dead!
BunnyQueenLivesForever chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
wow this is funny! i think i might write one where mact writes joella on fanfiction haha funny
SorrisoD'amore chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
loved it so funny! Sorry that fanfiction is blocked that sucks:(
faerietaleredux chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
This is fun on so many levels. I love how you have Hayley cameo. And I love Nick's initial “That’s, um,” he said. “I c-can see why…” comment. So adorable.

I also think it's interesting that you have Macy doing the ranting and raving, and the boys are almost defending fanfic. It's a nice switcharoo.

And Stella's "Joe and Macy?" reaction was priceless, and not just because I love J/M.

There's a word in literature that's used to describe stories that go outside the box of the narrative, and address the fact that even now the text is part of a story. It's called 'metafiction.' SO I guess this would be metafanfiction. Love it. :)

And a Mackenzie Falls reference to boot!
secretfunnelcake chapter 1 . 12/27/2009

This was outrageously funny.

I loved the referances. And all of their reactions...

This sounds bad, but I don't typically enjoy Stella. But all of her parts in this fic were so in character and hilarious. When she runs in her heels? Haha. Oh, and my absolute favorite part was when Kevin said "You know what I don't get?" and then Joe, Nick, and Stella answered. That, was pure genius. To be honest, I plan on using those statements the next time someone says that around me.

Anyways...another well written fic by my favorite writer. :) Hilarious. I plan on attemting a response sometime tonight. No guarantees though.

Kudos once again. :)

nevershoutbribri chapter 1 . 12/10/2009

Pardon my French - if that's considered 'French.'


I saw my name and nearly had a flippin' heart attack. Seriously.

I love this.

It's completely realistic and THANK YOU for telling me who Fred was. I had no clue.
aishicakes chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Ae! LOVED this, was definitely ADORABLE!
JennyMoriarty chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
The greatest friend? Ah shucks. I'm blushin'.


Y'know, I don't think this is ever, ever going to get old. This JONAS finding Fanfiction thing. And now I'm super excited about reading other ones too!

This is brilliant. Seriously. It's like someone took brilliant dust and poured a whole thing of it in your coffee.

And Kevin. He's like... mine... *sigh*

You make me happy. :)
dreamin.paradise chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
HAHA :) I LOVE IT! you're amazing :)

your writing makes me smile :)



P.S. i'm really sorry about ff, though :(
WyszLo chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Haha this was GREAT!

Thank goodness for Kevin right?

LOVED the ending! But I guess you probably expected that from me.

It was so funny seeing all of the references to other stories you put in.

Anyway I really enjoyed this! SO FUNNY!

ride2night chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
That was awesome:D

Nick and Macy are the best couple in my opinion;D

The reactions were priceless_

I loved when Macy was like "so its that kind of fanfiction" haha. So funny.

And when Stella was was like "Joe and Macy?" haha.

Great story!


suburbs chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Very cute :) I will try and think of something as soon as things calm down around here.