Reviews for Where Did You Go?
Ellie Aluinn chapter 9 . 8/10/2010
Don't sweat it! Relax and you will be fine. Your avid readers will happily wait. Take care
Enchanting Lilly chapter 8 . 7/8/2010
I love this chapter.I think Bella should take a leave of absence and go somewhere remote with Edward and work through there I like details. Maybe after a time the rest of the family can show up and see where it goes. Keep writing.

jediahsokaroxx chapter 8 . 7/6/2010
awesome chapter as usual! lol, its still a little weird though becuz im trying 2 imagine bella look 32 years old, but im having toruble with that, lol :D anywayz, cant wait for the rest! :D
fdaleny214 chapter 8 . 7/6/2010
Of course she would feel that way towards his family
emmagraceling chapter 8 . 7/6/2010
I really think you should fade. Its jut awkward to read that. Or atleast put it in a separate chapter so we dont have to read it
forestvamp231 chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
OMG I love your story! u have writers block. I could give u some ideas then... maybe Bella goes back to school and edward cant stop staring. Shes blushing at getting btterflies and everytime she does he smiles. After, bella goes to the house to see everyone and feels a bit out of place because of her age and burden to them. but things go pretty well, though a bit oquered. later she gets a phone call from her best friend, jacob (cant forget about him!) he imprinted on her but stays back because he understands her feelings for edward even after all of these years, however lately their relationship had been getting closer. ( jacob is still a werewolf). Just some ideas if you want to think about them :)
Ellie Aluinn chapter 10 . 5/4/2010
I must admit that i am having a problem with this story too...
although i like what you have written, i just can't find a way for the characters to be together within the 'norms' of our society. be interesting where you end up going with this - with mythical creatures, maybe, just maybe, there is a creature that provides the elixir of eternal youth?
Ellie Aluinn chapter 7 . 5/4/2010
Thought the same thing!
KM chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
Nice story you have here. One thing that made it difficult to read was the sentence structure. You're supposed to take a new paragraph every time a different person speaks. It avoids confusion :)

Also, slow down a little. A lot seems to happen in very little time, with little description of Bella's surroundings or how she is feeling. Would 15 years not have numbed the pain a little? It seems somewhat unrealistic that she is still crying over him (Though I take into account that it is Bella we're talking about here. -.-) Still, it would help to make everything seem more realistic.

Plot line seems interesting; I'll make a point to read further chapters.

I. W. Cullen chapter 7 . 4/5/2010
Yeah, there were lots of stupid little plot problems like that in twilight. I have loved many of the fanfics I have read that fixed some of these. Take for example you making bella want to hurt edward a little, to be the one in control. That is a lot more reasonable, making Bella forgive like nothing happened, seemed like a cop out I thought when I read the books a hundred times.
I. W. Cullen chapter 6 . 4/5/2010
Favorite bands? Yeah...m... Lots of them can't pick 5 love lots of stuff from classic rock, classical, newer rock, punk, some country, and a very little rap. Also love the blues.

And this chapter was cool!
I. W. Cullen chapter 5 . 4/5/2010
TV shows Scifi stuff, vampire diaries (Yeah, I am too old for it, but I still love it) Movies, same kinda stuff scifi and movies where stuff goes boom.
I. W. Cullen chapter 4 . 4/5/2010
I am not even going to attempt guessing your age, I am a 43 yr old Man, and I KNOW that is never a guess a man can get right, even if guessed correctly, there will be some reason why you were looking for a guess of older, or younger. Let it suffice to say, I like your writing and am enjoying your story very much K?
I. W. Cullen chapter 3 . 4/5/2010

And don't forget "Gotta love me!"
I. W. Cullen chapter 2 . 4/5/2010
Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or the characters. I do however, own an artificial Christmas tree. My mom's idea...don't ask.

ROFL! Too cute!
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