Reviews for Sinners
MiraGlass chapter 20 . 2/28/2018
Great story, though I wasn’t a big fan at the age change of Remy as a kid but it was a good read
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 20 . 10/19/2011
This was a great chapter. Fantastic story, by the way.
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 19 . 10/19/2011
! I knew you would have him call her Thirteen, thoughI have to admit, I was losing faith. The Kate and Remy interaction is cool.
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 14 . 10/19/2011
Good. That's finally addressed. I think it's kind of funny it took Cameron so long to figure out, and even then, she had to be told directly. And the ending bit was great.
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 13 . 10/19/2011
Poor Cameron. Raising Remy is so out of her league. I'm sure she'll get it eventually, though. I love that House asked how long it was before Remy was a doctor, and she told him she wasn't doing his hours. Great story.
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 11 . 10/19/2011
I love this! I adore the interactions between House and Thirteen...erm, Remy. Him calling her Brat was great!
sgiambra22 chapter 20 . 8/4/2011
TeddisonEddison chapter 20 . 4/25/2011
Oh wow! What an amazing story! I've spent the whole morning reading this during class & it has got to be one of the best fics I've read so far!

I love how everything was finalised at the end and how well-written the whole thing was. Totally in character and believable!


I love your writing style, now to check out more of your work :D


Steph x
Kay8abc chapter 20 . 7/14/2010
I really loved this. It was a different story than I normally read, but I really enjoyed it. I really loved the development of Remy's character, and how House got along with her. I really liked how Cameron freaked out and read the entire parenting book.

razberry1 chapter 20 . 2/17/2010
Great story! You should do a sequel set with Thirteen as the age she is in the show now. That would be cool!
13DaysOfSummer chapter 20 . 2/15/2010
Awe, I loved this story! It ended great!
Din3113 chapter 20 . 2/14/2010
I freakin' love this story. I think it's my new favorite one ever made. Amazing, bravo. I really love it. It's super awesome. Wow.
ATasteOfFaberry chapter 20 . 2/4/2010
I enjoyed this insanely so. :D Amazing skill with the writing and what not. I'm sad to see it end but it was the perfect place to do so.
chelash chapter 20 . 1/31/2010
Aw. That's a really nice ending to the story. You have resolved pretty much all the issues, and have ended strongly and cleanly. Good job with this story :)
susanne chapter 20 . 1/24/2010
please continue. I like Remy evolution ajajajaja
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