Reviews for Back in the Saddle
thatwritermadeofpotatoes chapter 4 . 5/28/2017
Oh gosh darn it. I really liked this sTory and your writing, but the last update was 2011! :''(
Yes.I'm.A.Fangirl chapter 4 . 4/7/2016
I love it! I need this in my life! PLEASE WRITE MORE! You are amazing at this and I love you for it!
Luke-Calum-Michael-Ashton13 chapter 4 . 11/30/2014
Wow great story I really hope you continue and I love the Jack and Katy thing
DragonHeart89 chapter 4 . 5/9/2014
Katie and Jack story! Keep the chapters coming !
xDELTEDACCOUNTx chapter 4 . 3/13/2013
UPDATE! I am loving it! :)
Venetiangrl92 chapter 4 . 2/18/2013
loving this story! i always thought that jack and katy would make a good/cute couple! hope to see them together soon! can't wait for more! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue this story! and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon! xoxo
devloveshorses chapter 4 . 10/29/2012
Please please update this is like my favorite story! Please please please more chapters
PeopleAreSoPettyAndTiny-Thor chapter 4 . 5/14/2012
Absolutely fabulous! Love it! Please update soon ;D
Saphirabrightscale chapter 4 . 1/18/2012
Intresting kind of story please write more of this.
BobWhite chapter 4 . 12/18/2011
pls go on
Shadow Hunting chapter 4 . 10/15/2011

I noticed that you haven't updated for a while, and atm I really want to read on. Could you please make a next chapter? :3

I really hope you will.

Sayuri Sayalana
Pixie P chapter 4 . 8/2/2011
I LOVE this story! and its just gettin' good! I hope you write more soon! I can't wait to read more :)
kamlo-ren chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
Loving this. Always thought Katy and Jack should be together...
sunsetillusion chapter 3 . 1/11/2011
great story so far. love it

check out my story
Mustang Shadow chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
this is how the movie should have ended. great job! keep writing you have talent :)
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