Reviews for The Chronicles of Aishiteru Academy, Book 2
HunterTala13 chapter 9 . 2/18/2014
So cute I could die. I love the parts with Haku and Zabuza. I personally think that they are the cutes couple ever in Naruto
Vanillamoo chapter 9 . 1/9/2014
Cant waiy for the next book to be completed! XD this was a great continuation of the first :3 i shall be waiting thank you for writing such an amazing story!
floralscented chapter 3 . 6/27/2013
Is it weird that I found Itachi's section extremely funny?
Kryzanna chapter 8 . 6/17/2013
I love these stories so much, please upload the next one, I've been waiting for ages for it and can't wait!
MysteryGirl47 chapter 9 . 6/10/2013
This is fantastic! I can't wait for book 3 please please hurry :D
Yaoi Is Life GYS chapter 9 . 5/26/2013
Ohhh hurry and make it. :) cant wait to read the third one
Scarlette Karson chapter 9 . 5/26/2013
I have comments to throw your way though I ask you to read them carefully!

The idea behind this story appears to be childish. It is presented in a way that suggests inexperience. I use SUGGESTS, for a reason. I daresay, through reading what I have, you've written it out in an incredibly talented and workable way. Ideas like this often sink because the affiliated writer has a Romeo and Juliette complex and does not understand how to pace things or flesh out characters. You have done extremely well with what seemed like an unworkable prompt. Many older writers would have erred on the side of caution after reading your summary, afraid of another rushed and awful story written by a child who doesn't know any better but those who have persevered have received an obvious treat. Congratulations. You have made the impossible, possible. Though the structure of the academy itself is incredibly unrealistic, you have succeeded to make the entire thing believable and enjoyable! I look forward to part 3! chapter 9 . 4/29/2013
OMG. Love your writing and stories can't wait for the next book. Really looking forward to it.
shinichiloveyaoi chapter 9 . 4/5/2013
please post the next book soon! i totally love this series and i can't get enough of the cuteness! i especially liked the chapter when they went to an amusement park though. i laughed so hard! please don't get discouraged and write/post the next installment to this series soon! w
higurashis chapter 7 . 12/2/2012
OMG I was not expecting that Naruto being Naruto got Sasuke and him a job...LIKE A BOSS XD
aww lol Sasuke kissed Naruto and this time he knew he was awake and around people..awesomeness
T-T...wish I could have been there T_T
I am like pressing for myself to catch up because I'm like in love with this 3 *HEARTS*
you, my friend are amazing :)
With all the love and magic of the mortal world
flower08 chapter 9 . 12/1/2012
Your story is so beautiful...
The moments were so sweet...

I'm looking forward to the next book...! :D
higurashis chapter 3 . 11/27/2012
Ooooohhhhhh (lol) I wonder how these hoildays will go...awesomly :D
I think all three of them will break the first rule...well IMO at least XD
Haku is so cute but I havet to agree...he's like super girly XD

How are you chooisen to become a Uke or Seme? Will it be explained later?
Once again sorry for all the questions :p

Oh I LMFAO when Itachi confronted Naruto...I was like oh nah and then man I think that was my favorite scene in this whole chapter :) Oh and Zabuza's little moment with Haku.

I know this is late but when Sasuke was talking about Negi and Gaara as a couple with the scary and creepy sex...o.0...why are you thinking that XD
CrisStarTina chapter 9 . 10/1/2012
YES next book better be up soon :) pretty pretty please _
ahsie chapter 9 . 9/9/2012
What 'test' was that about? You gonna write it? XD
btw, how long will they have to remain in courting period... But they're all soo soooo shy and timid, who knows when anything will happen! XD

Do share more about the school and its rules, it's quite interesting
Whorphine.Daffodildo chapter 9 . 9/1/2012
Aw, I loved it! I read the first one as well,very sweet. I loved the way zabuza's mother took so much interest in haku and I hope they are very happy together. . . And aww gaara tries to be such a badass lol. He and neji are perfect.
Admittedly, I don't like sasunaru, I think narusasu makes a lot more sense, but it was still written nicely. Can't wait for the next book, great job
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