Reviews for Burn Scars
DrowsyPoet chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
I really liked the sensory writing elements of this story. I have to admit, I've read it several times over, and loved it more each time. I'd absolutely love it if you wrote Jane/Lisbon story...keeping it characteristically correct of course. There are so many stories about Lisbon "giggling" and Jane "Holding tenderly." Yeah...not gonna happen. They're a great couple, but there's no way they'd act like that. Anyway, keep up teh fantastic work :)
kassmarie chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
UNBELIEVABLY well written and thought out. And deliciously smutty. Great job :)
kcdancer chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
OMfreakingG! You are an AMAZING writer! The mental images you paint here are so elaborate. This is really a fantastic piece, I'd say you should expand it just so I can read more, but this is obviously a one-shot piece. Good thing you have other stories for me to read!
Viktorija chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
Great job!:)
Starfirefic chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
Holy frak, this is some *amazing* writing. I don't usually go for Grace/Rigsby pieces, and I generally like my smut fairly dark rather than sweet, but this... this is definitely an exception to both rules. I love your use of imagery, and love the way you bring sight, sound, scent and touch imagery together in one incredible piece. Whoah. I'm *definitely* going to be on the lookout for more of your stuff. Thanks for an amazing read :-)
veras333 chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
I am glad you like writing about them, I enjoyed so much all your stories and this was, as the others, great.
celticgina chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
Dear Santa,

Can you please chain my friend ficlit78 to a computer and feed her chocolate so she does nothing but write like this for me?


Elicia1 chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
Great smut as usual. Loved, loved loved it!
Sesamina chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
WOW! I just watched Pride and Prejudice so I was still in a sigh-y mood when I found the new-story-message. And then you go and write THAT. The first half reminded me of Pride and Prejudice in a way, your style in this one, the atmosphere you created...just sigh. And of course the smut, yummy...the smut. You know how much I love it and adore you for writing it so brilliantly.