Reviews for The Heroine and the Hatter
mzmissy134 chapter 12 . 6/9/2019
I'm guessing you do not read these reviews any longer, seeing as its 9 years later...BUT, just wanted to say I'm completely enjoying this! I became a tad obsessed with the idea of Alice and Hatter after re-watching Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland a few months ago and seeing pure chemistry between the two that I missed when I took my children to see it (dealing with 2 young children in a theater will distract anyone!). Anyway, I then Googled to see if I was the only Shipper and stumbled upon SyFys Alice. I watched it twice in the same day! Needless to say, I was hooked! And now I'm shamelessly scouring the web for any and all fanfics dealing with either Burton's Alice in Wonderland or SyFys Alice! I'm so glad I found this one! Its giving me my dose of Hatter without having to watch Alice again...for the millionth time! So, thank you if you ever read this!
gatewaytohell831 chapter 41 . 6/3/2018
when will there be another chapter ?
poetwriter chapter 17 . 3/8/2018
OOOOOO SORDID EX LOVER DETAILS! Well, sort of. How could they have dumped him because of his hats?! I LOVE hats. I own more than 35 of them, a whole collection!

I wonder if he had any relationships after tea was released into the society. If they were getting their emotions from tea, they would have stopped with relationships... which means it has been QUITE a while since his last girlfriend.

poetwriter chapter 16 . 3/8/2018
Omg. From the title of this chapter I thought the Duchess had gone out and SPENT ALL THE MONEY. I'm very relieved right now to have read that it was not so.

She DEFINITELY had evil overlord plans to do bigger things. Ambitious Queen and her nefarious plans.

poetwriter chapter 15 . 3/8/2018
If you've seen High School Musical, she's reminds me of Sharpay.

THEY ARE SO CUTE AN ADORABLE TOGETHER. You've got a great style of fluff writing :) And you keep it realistic too, which just makes it sweeter.
poetwriter chapter 14 . 3/8/2018
Ugh. They live in their own little upper crust class fancy regal royal world that has nothing to do with normal people. Then they make it OUR problem (yes I have included myself into Alice and Hatter's little group hah). I hate people like that. Well. Intensely despise. Don't drag me into your little political game.

REALISSSMMMMMMM. I see your common theme and I applaud you.
poetwriter chapter 13 . 3/8/2018
"like petitioners kneeling before their queen" - HAHAHAHAHA!

HAHAHA! Oh the Duchess. Such a character.

I know exactly what you mean about Alice and other women. You get that impression in the show, and I've met some people like that as well. Sometimes, it is because they have certain problems and people are tired of dealing with it. Other times, you just have certain women who seem to click better with men than with women. No big deal, just different personality traits THAT IS SO REALISTIC AND YOU BROUGHT IT INTO YOUR STORY. 3
poetwriter chapter 12 . 3/8/2018
Aww, has Hatter forgotten their ENTIRE ADVENTURE IN WONDERLAND OF OVERTHROWING THE QUEEN AND RETURNING WONDERLAND BACK INTO THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE?! I'd say that beats out numerable dates as being a solid basis for a 'relationship' ;)

"draw attention that she had a key to Jack's apartment" but didn't Jack specifically state this back in Wonderland? That Alice had a key to his apartment? And Hatter was there?

I love how a little bit of each of their personalities rubs off on the other.
poetwriter chapter 11 . 3/8/2018
"Better to have lost a home than his head" - I LOVE THIS LINE.

Sigh, you know, this is going to sound pretty awful, but even in the show, I didn't quite like the mother. She seemed too .. much. Too overbearing? Too.. something.

Andrew Lee Pott 3
poetwriter chapter 10 . 3/8/2018
Ohhhhhhhh snap. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.


Omg. She has a hat now too. Yayyyyyyyyy. Hats. Hatter. All of ittttt.

I love your story line. You've got such a good thing going! And super complex.
poetwriter chapter 9 . 3/8/2018
I can almost hear him saying 'David' in a super spiteful way. Condescending, spiteful man.


HAT TRICKS! It has a life of its own. I wish my hats could do tricks on their own.

I'm DYING to know Hatter's full plan. Once a con-man, always a con-man. But a loving con-man. One who wants to be with Alice. A 'good' con-man.
poetwriter chapter 8 . 3/8/2018
What the ... Jack is soooooo pissing me off. How dare he be high and mighty and judgemental when HIS MOTHER was the cause of ruin of such a wonderful (tee hee) land.


poetwriter chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
CHARLIE! He never fails to crack me up.

I'm really loving how you nail their personalities. Their responses are just like in the show. NAILED it.

Hatter's Alic WHAT?! WHAT?! Your cliff hanger dragged me right to the edge and then spitefully PUSHED ME OFF! DID NOT SEE THAT COMING.

Hatter (and you) are so right. Red is just BAD for him. He's more of a blue kind of person. Steel blue. Metallic blue. Cool blue. Something blue. The irony that a man named 'Heart' doesn't have one. OOOOOoooooo oh no she din't! ;)
poetwriter chapter 6 . 3/8/2018
HE HAS A LARGE PAIR OF HEADPHONES TOO! For a year after Alice came out I was obsessed with trying to get an identical pair of headphones like that for myself. My ex ended getting me headphones (thinking I was looking for large headphones only) but they were Darth Vader ones. Can't complain, still love it to bits. But specifically HATTER'S headphones. Yeeeessssssss. One day...

Also: awwwww poor Hatter. It is rather jarring to be thrown into a club without any context. And for someone who so obviously loves his solitude. He definitely looks older than 21, especially if he hadn't shaved? 5 o'clock shadow and just ... him... would definitely pass a bouncers glancing inspection

PS: I review as I read so this all reads disjointedly
poetwriter chapter 5 . 3/8/2018
I can literally imagine his outfit. Down to the patterns of his dark green paisley motif. The two of them just sitting in silence together is just perfect. It really does FEEL right. And peppermint is spot on. I wasn't thinking it but once you said it, it smelt right. I feel like I'm blabbing away, but since you admitted to liking reviews to read, I shall persevere despite my rambling. Your story is FEELING SO RIGHT.
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