Reviews for Dog Day Adventures
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
aww Angelo is so cute! xD .. Yay for Squall and Rinoa.. :3
Ashbear chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Vera cute.;)

I needed a distraction and this fit the bill perfectly, both the length and the characters. I lost my dog recently, so seeing anything about Angelo makes me smile. I especially loved it being written from her perspective.

…And what’s better than an Angelo POV? An Angelo POV - Squall & Rinoa relationship story and the fact he was able to confide in someone. Basically, it was a sweet, all-around fun to read story. Looking forward to reading more from you ;)
Lartovio chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
Super cute! 3 Ah... Squall. Can't say a darned thing to a girl but confides in... a dog. xD

*~* Lartovio *~*
WishingDreamer5 chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Furry-mane. I like that nickname. XD

It's such a pity that Angelo can't talk. It seems that she sure has some interesting things to say.

"What does Rinoa see in this guy?" Haha, that one was hilarious, coming from a dog.

I loved reading this, and I'm a sucker for sweet happy endings like this one. you're good at writing those. I hope you'll write more about this pairing.
Galneryus chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
that's why dog's are man's best friends, Nice keep righting
Funk3y Fr3sh chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
That story was too cute! Ive never read a story like this and i LOVED it :) I thought Furry-Mane was hilarous.. ahahaha it took me a while to figure it out... when I said it outloud furry..mane... MANE as in furry neck... squalls furry jacket... a light blub went off ha im smart lol.
celticskyedancer chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
Angelo calling Squall Furry-Mane just makes me laugh every time I see it. I immediately think of a chibi lion Squall. This was a very sweet story. People just don't give Angelo enough credit. She knows exactly what she's doing.
strifehart chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
Very interesting. It's a very unique twist, and though I probably couldn't have read a dog's perspective for more than one chapter, I really liked it as a one-shot
Angel Sorano chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
Aww... that was cute. Good job, can't wait to see what else you next for spunky dog to do!
Redfoxline chapter 1 . 12/21/2009
Nice story! It made me laugh a lot, you know. I couldn't anything but imagine Squall talking alone to Angelo, feeling absolutly stupid, whereas Riona was looking at him.

And Angelo's thoughts were pretty funny too!

I hope you will write us a new chapter!

Whishing you all the best!
Scribbleness chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
WAH! so CUTTE! and fluffy! (literally!) The way you wrote through angelo's perspective was so real! it's as if you understand dogs! and why they do the things they do! angelo greatly reminded me of my dog. when i'm sad, he'd lick my hands and try to make me feel better. and he'd also be sad with me! hahaha!

and furry-mane! LOL! XD

i was smiling the whole time i was reading this one shot of yours. you made love and dogs go hand in hand so well.

i have a favorite part right there when angelo asked rinoa if she wanted her to bite squall. and that he'll get an angelo rush to his stomach. LOL so cute... XD

oh, and that part when angelo whined and growled because she was annoyed at squall and rinoa... hahaha! so cute... XD

and YES. i agree with angelo... if only she could talk, squall and rinoa would get ALOT of her scolding. *sigh* poor doggies... *huggles*

and squall! OH SQUALL! just because of that argument, he seems like a berserked beast that scared everybody away! EXCEPT FOR ANGELO AND RINOA! aw... squall is SUCH sweet guy... X3

and i like how rinoa and squall reconciled in the end... hahaha! it was the sweetest thing, admitting one's fault to the person you love, never giving one's self to pride... -