Reviews for Repentance
chinub chapter 35 . 1/12
Disappointed and taken aback. I started reading the story in the hope that it might turn out to be sensitive and mature. But the plotline is unimaginable and insensitive.
twimima7 chapter 35 . 11/30/2019
Thank you very much for your good writing and the pleasure i had reading it. I look forward to reading the sequel and more of their family time and friends.
twimima7 chapter 26 . 11/29/2019
I have a death wish for James! I hope they catch him and get him for attempted murder among other things.
twimima7 chapter 23 . 11/29/2019
So sorry for the both of them going through some rough patches. Hope they catch James, Laurent and Victoria and that whole fraternity needs to be shut down and those guys put away and receive the same torment they did to all those girls.
twimima7 chapter 13 . 11/29/2019
Fitting song. I like it. As I was reading this chapter,and listening to Garth Brooks was in concert and singing "To make you feel my love and thank goodness I had a whole box of Kleenex.
twimima7 chapter 12 . 11/29/2019
Good chapter.
twimima7 chapter 11 . 11/28/2019
Your story is written well and I imagine the backlash you are receiving however your story is good enough to have reviews that hurts deep within means good or bad we are still all going to finish your story to the end!
twimima7 chapter 1 . 11/28/2019
Wow! is he the baby's daddy by the shock on his face when he first met her?I'm going to flip if he is and then beat him with a two by four piece of lumber!
Jenny chapter 19 . 9/29/2019
I just I’m stuck. This is so extraordinarily unrealistic. And every time Edward talks about his guilt and how he feels I want to vomit. I realize you are trying to make him appear reverent but you have actually done the opposite - he looks extremely selfish.

I also found the one line about living in the past in the previous chapter grossly inappropriate you cannot compare Edward living regretting what he missed because of his own criminal behavior to Bella who is traumatized becase Edward raped her and the. I’ll point out he continued to repeatedly rape her the entire relationship. Bella never would have consented to have sex with her rapist. We both know it. He knew it. That’s the very definition of rape. For someone so repetent he had no issue turning around and further traumatizing her.
lolalovespie chapter 31 . 2/2/2019
You can't make up for being a rapist. And Edward's reasoning was pathetic. "I was under pressure so I violated you" is the gist of his reasoning. And Bella forgives him? This story is honestly disgusting. And of course people are "sensitive to rape" it's a disturbing topic and you handled it very poorly in your story.
saieshia chapter 34 . 9/5/2018
i loved it...
71285AS chapter 13 . 9/3/2018
ohh, I'm going to have to go listen to that song now, I've never heard it before.
71285AS chapter 12 . 9/3/2018
71285AS chapter 11 . 9/3/2018
Finally, it's out and that was so rough, and raw! now, hopefully they can heal.
71285AS chapter 9 . 9/3/2018
Edward is on big trouble! He better come clean soon!
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