Reviews for Harry Potter and the Betrothal Contract
EmpressErena chapter 26 . 7/10
.. This was Beautifully Written and well planned and I Loved Every Second of it! I hope u continue to write, u are amazing writer!
envirosue chapter 7 . 7/6
I found this chapter authentic, well done.
envirosue chapter 6 . 7/6
I really appreciate that you wrote Ginny kindly. She is one of my favorite characters and I hate to see her bashed. This was a beautiful way to move your story forward. Now Harry has hermione, Ginny and Daphne on his side, and that's a powerful combination. Thank you.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/2
I read all of this in like two days, it is SO SO SO good. Thank you!
N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117 chapter 24 . 6/30
I hope there's a special place in Hell for Dumbles. Loved this story.
jrm0220 chapter 26 . 6/21
I have read several of your stories so far - this, the Lion trilogy, and the Forgotten Contract. They are fascinating rewrites to the scenarios detailed in the books. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your talent in developing characters that only existed in the background in canon into compelling lead characters and romantic interests. You have done much to give me a new layer of appreciation for Rowling's world. I appreciate all the hard work you put into these awesome rewrites, and look forward to reading more of your stories in the coming days.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/15
No encuentro realista que sea Ron quien se enoje con Harry por hablar de más, en el Canon, es justamente Ron quien siempre habla de más y mete en problemas a Harry, creo que hasta aquí llegue con la historia de una Hermione entrometida y manipuladora y un Ron que se comporta noble. todos haciendo que Harry se sienta más mal por algo que no controla y fuera de sus personajes habituales
Aidenk77 chapter 26 . 6/8
Loved this.
Wildcard-JT chapter 26 . 6/5
I can't help it, seems every year or so I go on a fanfiction binge and I always re read this fic.
mojones2119 chapter 11 . 5/31
As usual, Mrs Weasley is a Stupid Fat Uglyword edited*). Always hated that B.
harshit 11129 chapter 6 . 5/15
you interchanged gin and daph eyes colours
EmperorGhoul chapter 14 . 5/5
You fucking Sod. Fuck you. I am not fucking reading your book any longer. Its fucking awful and Proklinjem te da nikad ne pišeš.
EmperorGhoul chapter 14 . 5/5
You are making Harry dumb. Really? This is the whole point in Fanfiction is to not make him dumb. Like really? Screw off
EmperorGhoul chapter 7 . 5/5
i actually don't like this. This book is kinda pissing me off. I hate when people go with the cliche and are like oh the Brooding main character. עס איז אַזוי שלעכט, איין געשריבן און זאָל ניט זיין ערלויבט צו שרייַבן ווידער
EmperorGhoul chapter 6 . 5/5
Rufus damnant vos ad profunda Terrae core.
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