Reviews for A Sanitarium Christmas
nicholasmage chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Ah so Mag knew Shilo hadnt died with Marni,that Nathan had lied. And I like how Nathan's Repo side came out during her visit.
Mikeala-and-Whitney chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
I probably shouldn't take so much joy out of reading more and more of angst fics-but! I came along this and even though it's short I love this...So much :) Hopefully that doesn't sound strange, but like I said-I loved this, and thought it was fantastic. This story just equals a lot of epic :) I enjoyed reading
RabbitHash2016 chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Don't worry, Mag, I have a feeling I could weep for the both of us right now.

I swear, you're the master of angst and grief, MS. Lovely job as always, especially with almost narrating it all through Magdalene's eyes. Keep up the great work. :D
ConfusedColumbia26220 chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
Aw, that was sad. I liked it though. Woohoo for another Mag story! The ending was touching. It's not 'extremely short' as you said. It's a decent length. You write well. Whoever kept on telling Mag her time was limited was getting on my nerves - I wanted to slap them for her. This plot is easy to fit in since it takes place five years before the movie, enough time for Shilo to have forgotten about it when Mag came to visit her (Chase the Morning). Write more, especially for Mag - there's not enough stories on her.