Reviews for Get a Life
Guest chapter 2 . 2/9/2015
Awesome story!
ayabirkin chapter 2 . 6/14/2012
oh God! i love this one. please post more.
Vulpixi Misa chapter 2 . 5/8/2012
More feels! More feels! Wah! Still can't get over the mental image of doctor-Naruto. Gives me chills just thinking about it. (Too delicious!) And I'm so glad they got a happy ending together! (Heads would have rolled if otherwise) I love happy endings, especially when they get married and have a daughter and are all happy happy, love love love. 3
Marma-Chan chapter 2 . 9/15/2011
Awwwwww 1! SO SWEET !
Bumblewyn chapter 2 . 9/4/2010
I really liked this Alternate Ending

Oh, and what I forgot to say in my last review: The lyrics worked out really well, usually I don't like lyrics through a story, because they tend to distract me from the actual plot, and I usually skip them. In this story though, they where nice, they didn't bother me

Now for this part, I gotta say I was more impressed by the first one, but that's probably because I'm a sucker for happy endings xD I somehow don't really like them. You wrote a nice one though


PS: actually, I can't wait to read more alternate endings xD but I guess those'll never come :P
Bumblewyn chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
I really like this story. A lot.

You created a perfect plot and a nice way to jump into it. Too bad it's only a one-shot.. hehe :P

I like, well... everything about it :D And the lemon is good Really o..o'

Personally, I suck at lemons (or I think so.. I don't know, most of the times I just delete whatever I wrote and never let anyone read it xD)

Mrs Hatake Itachi chapter 2 . 8/28/2010
Nice story!
Ever and Ever chapter 2 . 5/25/2010
This is awesome! It actually has a plot, unlike most SasuNaru stories that are rated M. I like how Hotaru is fine with parents who are gay.

Just one small mistake - 'prefect' perfect.

~ MaeKitt
Weird Angel Of Death chapter 2 . 5/3/2010
Sorry,but this is actually the first time I'm reviewing anything so it may be lame... Although I must say...It was a good balance between HOT! and Sweet :) ...I liked the fact that Naruto actually stood up to Sasuke(coughcoughattemptedcough)for a while before giving in ...unlike some stories where he immediately succumbs to Sasuke's seduction and shit. So,overall,YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB! YAYZ FOR SASUNARU / NARUSASU ! ...I'd give some tips for improvement but I'm not much of a writer so I wouldn't know what went wrong... o_o;;
Ilamay chapter 2 . 4/20/2010
I love it! The story is really good and the way is done is awesome. Thanks for writing it. :)
Anihihi chapter 2 . 3/14/2010
Oh, my my! That was so great! I feel so stupid for not alerting this story when I read the first chapter, but in my defense, it was 'complete' :p

Really, nice job Cat xD Thanks :)
Fruit chapter 2 . 3/3/2010
Aww that's a great ending!

I will pretend "Always" was the actual ending lol and that the first chapter was a slice of revenge from Naruto.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us. The characters were brought to life, your descriptive writing style is quite unique-I quite enjoyed it! Thank you again :D
yume76 chapter 2 . 2/22/2010
a really great story. although some of the words confused me. but over all a lovely story.
Loki.1827 chapter 2 . 2/19/2010
i can't seem to find the right words...

but Fuck! this fic is so amazing and i'm surprised it had a sequel(or alternate ending... who's complaining?)

i usually think that "you only realize something's worth if its gone" people are stupid, but hey it happens.

your writing made me feel the emotions the characters felt. i could really feel sasuke's regret for leaving naruto and naruto being torn between i-still-love-him-so-forgive-him or i-love-him-but-he-left-me-so-don't-forgive-him stuff. the other characters played a small but really important part in making the couple realized that second chances are worth a good try.

this story is well-detailed, right to the end.

you've got good skills for simple yet detailed scenes. solid lot, well-developed characters and arrangement. you've really thought this storyline well. and as a bonus, a hot steamy lemon but you can still feel the love. what more can i say?

i really, really love this story.

one of the best oneshots (or two shots) i've read. and the alternate ending made it even better. please write more wonderful stories and continue to share your wonderful talent to the world., TKcat.

you're an awesome and brilliant writer.
supergal12000 chapter 2 . 2/18/2010
a great ending to a great story _
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