Reviews for Dazed and Confused
angstkitten chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
this was great. i love seeing brittany!fics. she's not an idiot, she just has a different perception. she SEES things that no one else does because she sees everything in a different light. she's still innocent in a way that few can maintain beyond the age of six, and it's incredible. it's just heart-breaking that it makes her come off as retarded. because she's NOT.

great job with this. i would love to see more of these from you.~
BookLover223 chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
wow these are truly amazing!
ArtieAndTinaAbrams chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
This was absolutely wonderful and amazing. I love Brittany and your insight into her head really did her character justice. Thanks for writing. One of my favourite stories EVER.
mag721 chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
i loved this one!
no01 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Wow! I luv this fic! It was so enjoyable to read.
Avivush chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
Good pic! I am also intrigues by Brittany she is funny, I alywas had a week spot for dumb character that not so dumb ;)
Eliche chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
I really liked this. Great work. :D
overkill-Max chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
I really liked that you noticed that even though Brittany has lines that crack me up, she still isn't completely vapid. I mean she was one of the only three that were qualified to be in the cheerios after decided to flunk them (and I loved the girl that answered with nothing but sombreros!). So great insight on this character. I hope she gets fleshed out a bit more this coming season
flitwick chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
I really like this piece about Brittany!
iolah chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Loved this. Her thought process in this was fantastic. She was all over the place, but totally on track, and her mild problems with difficult words were great! I kind of want to see a fic where she accidentally lets on all that she knows about people. I would give you my firstborn if you write it :) Awesome fic!
inthecompanyoflove chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Brittany is one of my favorite characters in the show and I loved this piece! :)
Calli Wall chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
so sweet. a loving tribute to brittany.
Artemis Rayne chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
I love Brittany too, there's just something so endearing about how naive and trusting she is. Not to mention comments like the "I bet the duck's in the hat" one just crack me up. I really like the way you wrote this, it was nice to really get a glimpse into Brittany's head and see things from her point of view. There was something really honest and genuine in this and it was truly heart-warming.

I hope you do go on to write more of these, I will definitely keep an eye out for them if you do.

-Artie R
infogdss29 chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
Really nice writing :) and very believable in terms of voice and thought process.