Reviews for I Tripped
AutobotGuy710 chapter 10 . 9/29/2015
Wow, this was a great fic, I just discovered it but I loved it. Very sad, moving, but well written. Well done!
Optimus is Bae 17 chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
I read that book aswell i like it but not that he was beaten if you get me but anyway this is a good story
RainbowGuardian13 chapter 10 . 11/13/2013
A sad but great story good job with it
Moonlightnight101 chapter 10 . 2/26/2013
Wow..sad but good story!
creativeLunatic chapter 10 . 4/3/2011
Oh my Primus... I actually cried... This is just SUCH a well-written fic, I am just... SPEECHLESS!
Namacub95 chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Unbelieveably sad and unbelieveably good!
Courtney777 chapter 10 . 3/19/2010
this is really good. I actually read the whole thing instead of ch 4-9 like you told me too. and now I'm reviewing... and wondering is a sequal...I'm gonna go check if there is now.
Krypticated chapter 10 . 2/3/2010
YAY! All is (relatively) right in the world!

I loved this story. And I am now off to read your others! See ya in another e-mail notification!
Shizuka Taiyou chapter 10 . 2/3/2010
Are ya going to do a sequel for this fic? Cause I think it'll be awsome if you did for the show.

Krypticated chapter 9 . 1/29/2010

This was a wonderfully written story! So in depth.

You did a fantastic job with it.

Aw... but now it's over? :(
Shizuka Taiyou chapter 9 . 1/28/2010
I have a feeling that this is gonna end happy.

Shizuka Taiyou chapter 8 . 1/28/2010
Dun dun dun. And the awsomeness continues.

renegadewriter8 chapter 9 . 1/28/2010
Aw that's so cute!

Optimus Bob chapter 9 . 1/28/2010
This was a sweet chapter! Is there more? If not then I enjoyed reading it, quite moving. If there is then yay _
Krypticated chapter 8 . 1/27/2010
Aww! You're mean! How could you do that to poor wittle Prowlie?

Great chapter, as always!
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