Reviews for Hours
L chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
I loved this, especially as Mohinder is being very realistic over the situation unfolding in front of him. Again, this was great.
Eclipse Bloodmoon chapter 2 . 6/21/2010
*nosebleed* Such a cute end scene! Sylar promising his son that they were meant to be a family. But it's rather heartbreaking that he keeps trying to tell Mohinder about his love, and he never gets past the first two letters. Happy ending in the future, though, yes?

Anywho, once more, a great story. Would love to read more!

Fair Skies,

Eclipse Bloodmoon
Umino Akiko chapter 2 . 4/22/2010
Teehee. Is it wierd that I want to steal their baby? Am I a freak. Wait what am I talking about I already know the answer. I must be nuts I want to stael a baby for gods sake. Well I want the daddies too but somehow I don't think that'd go over too well.
kisa9 chapter 2 . 1/8/2010
Starr Dust, you are the only author who can successfully write an mpreg story for these characters. I love the way you construct the plot.

Most of all, I always believe your Mohinder and Sylar. I can imagine Sylar starting to revert into the Season 3 Future Gabriel we saw with a child, all of a kind father and none of the ambitious personality seen in the rest of the series. Mohinder's situation, though, is so nightmarish. If I were to, in a moment of passion, sleep with a hot dictator, I'd hate myself. Especially if he had my family killed. I can't even imagine how much more frightening the situation is for Mohinder to see a stranger brought in, understand the painful grief the family will receive, and watch Sylar slice through the skin. I'm glad he got away in your story!

I'm also glad that he said, "You're a horrible person and you'd make a terrible father. You killed my father - his grandfather - and I don't want my baby growing up around someone like you. This is the way things have to be."

Again, I'd hate my situation if that same despotic dictator forced his way into my life, because he felt himself entitled to my new family. Although since my own postulated situation includes a mortal human, I'd have him shot before he got his hands on my kid.

"It isn't," he hissed. "It's mine, my baby, and I don't want you anywhere near me or it, so get the hell out of here!" -The clarification you wrote in from Mohinder's perspective really highlighted his need for disassociation from Sylar.

I really can just comment on nearly everything you wrote about. The way you weave the story keeps leaving me impressed.
mylarvamp chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
oh, poor sylar, tryin hard to make suresh love him. part of me dont blame mohinder after all sylar did, its hard to forget and not simple to just give a baby to a and another part of me is just so totally fell sorry for sarah after all he;s a human too, he might be a murderer but he's trying at least and he loved suresh and their little boy, if mohinder could just cut the crap and all being stubborn and give him a chance they could be happy, after all if you look at it truthfully i think mohinder liked sylar but he since he cant possible burried the hatchet, he;s hurt and all the hurt come through hate, anyway love the story. contine this. please
megblue chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
aw, i coo too when i read the last part. its cute
Brainlock chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
This is so F'd up, weird, and wrong on SO many levels.

In a word, BRILLIANT!

btw, Does Matt know? 0.0?
mylarvamp chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
very cool and hot
megblue chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
its very interesting, love it
cdraco chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Sylars here!

Cant wait to see what happens.