Reviews for A Lady's Imagination
Bungaroon chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
I absolutely adore this. It's so beautiful with not only the writing itself, but the entire style. I just love everything about this. The way you've written each character and compared it to the classics, it's just a masterpiece.
wallowinwine chapter 3 . 10/18/2018
It's well written, but I can't enjoy this story because I just can't get over feeling disgusted with Lily being romantically involved with anyone else.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/20/2016
It's interesting, but I don't think that Sirius would ever betray James that way. Remus would, but Sirius wouldn't.
And I loved James' toughths about Heattcliff.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/18/2016
As a hardcore James-Lily shipper I would say I truly despised Remus-Lily and Sirius-Lily but truth be told, I didnt. It was flawlessly written and tugged at my heart strings like no piece of writing has in a long time. Even though I knew those relationships were bound to fail, and even though I totallly wished they would fail because I literally do not envision Lilywith anyone but James it made reading Chapter 3 even more nicer because it was like she finally found her way back home. Back to whom she always belonged. And I loved how James was omnipresent in all of these how he was just like this huge force field that everything was enclosed in and somehow at the end of the day it will came back to him. Even though Lily is the common factor in all these chapters as the main lead I feel James is the all knowing boundary within which everything is enclosed. Truth be told I have always felt he is what everything is summing up inside because the way JK has written him,rare as it is, and as fanfiction writers interpret him I feel the Marauders Era atleast for me begins with James and ends with him just like the present generation starts with Harry and ends with him.
Sorry lol I have gone on a bit of a tangent here. Anyways, to say this was phenomenal would be an underestimation. It was refreshing to read this and I sincerly thank you for writing this.
Keep writing!
This is abolutely gold.
All my love to you!
Abby chapter 3 . 11/14/2014
Love this story! When are you going to update? :)
marinka chapter 3 . 11/2/2014
You did manage to show Lily And her man in very sympathetic light , it was not an easy task but well done!
whiteblue2912 chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
I mean if you want it be awesome if you kept going with this story cause its great and all
Ansy Pansy aka Panz chapter 2 . 1/11/2014
I feel like I've read this before maybe? Have you posted it elsewhere or in separate bits? Maybe it was a different story with Jayne Eyre in, not sure. Like it though!
Ansy Pansy aka Panz chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Love this!
reader24 chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
I know this review is late in the game - but I have really enjoyed your story. You write really well.
I know that James and Lily are the big love story, having said that, I really felt for Lily and Sirius and would love for them to have been able to get together. It just seems so unfair for the two of them. James was right about Lily - "You didn't owe me any loyalty". And Sirius obviously still cares for Lily a great deal. This is the first time I felt the two of them should have really been given a shot.
Lily Ryann chapter 3 . 8/26/2013
Please, please, please update! You've combined two of my favorite things: classical literature and Harry Potter!
Love always,
xx Lily
hayley chapter 3 . 8/10/2013
please please update! :)
Chibi-Lill chapter 3 . 7/21/2013
Beautiful :) I like your choice of books for them, I felt really sad for Lily who was sort of second choice to all of them. I hope you'll update one day, thank you!
delz04 chapter 3 . 7/21/2013
This is one of the best and most original ideas for a marauders story I've read in a long while. I really hope you haven't abandoned this, and I'm DYING to know how the Snape, and Alice/Frank/Fabian plot lines work out. Do they all get different books, too? I sure hope so. _ AHHHHHHHHH, I just loved this so much. You're a wonderful writer. Please update soon!
thearcherballet chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
I had read this fic a long time ago, and I couldn't remember the name until I saw it in someone's favorite list!
I really liked the way you portrayed Lily, and it's why I love this fic.
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