Reviews for A question of curiosity
Purestrongpoem chapter 2 . 8/17/2011
The story was very good. Please keeping on updating the next chapter.
Andreaeb182 chapter 2 . 6/18/2010
hahahaha a good fic... i'm waiting for the last one
nightmare7294 chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
It's amazing!I like it so much.

By the way, would you mind if I translate it into Chinese? I'd like to share this fiction with my a lot.
Bloody Mercury chapter 2 . 3/7/2010
I do hope you update soon!
Ai-in Ayan o3 chapter 2 . 2/13/2010
You rock! hahaha! That was Cool!

oh yeah, continue in editing and continuing this! I had fun reading. Manigoldo is still evil. hahaha, Upload and alarm me!
Ms. Audrey G chapter 2 . 2/6/2010
Well, it was a pretty good chapter. Um, the only mistakes I saw were missing words, missing periods, and lack of comma usage when someone is speaking.

First mistake: Missing words: Knock to the door shook him out from the thoughts.

It should have been: A knock to the door, however, shook him out of his thoughts.

Oh, and it wouldn't be 'the thoughts', but rather 'his thoughts.'

There is more missing words but I don't want to correct you on all of them. So, let's move on.

Another mistake is missing periods: "Not at all" a comment from El Cid. There should be a period at the end of his statement. So it would look like this: "Not at all."

Proceeding someone is talking, like for example, "Would it be impolite" he began, carefully selecting the words. "If I ask why do you have your hands in it?"

It should be like this: "Would it be impolite," he began, carefully selecting the words, "if I ask why do you have your hands in it?" Which the last part of the question is rather confusing. Like I didn't really get on what he meant by 'have your hands in it'.

Anyway, as you can see, I added a comma at the end of impolite because he is talking. And since he wasn't done speaking, you add another comma after words and lower case if.

Let me put this more clearer. When you put he said or he explained, there has to be a comma on what he said. Like for example: "I loathe thee," he voiced. However, you don't add a comma when asking a question.

So, that really was your mistakes, which it can be easily fixed. Overall, you did a good job, especially on grammar. Oh, and I hoped you understood my explanation. I never really was good at explaining things. Update when you can.
wang1 chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
this is so cute!

Regulus is so cute! When Mani said that once he'd wonder the same question that made laught!

can not image that such an coldy guy El cid could join their litter trick

please, update soon

it's so nice!
Ms. Audrey G chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
The story was a little odd ( since I can't imagine the saints thinking that way ), yet I still enjoyed it. The only thing that bugged me was the fact that you have no quotations. It was really hard to read the conversations with the whole dash thing ( - ) instead of quotations (""). There was few missing words, grammar mistakes, yet overall I still enjoyed it. So update when you can!