Reviews for Perfectly Imperfect
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 7/5/2014

They're Perfect . . . ! ! !

Never regret that they are my Number One OTP in Hetalia!

This fic is Awesome! I LOVE IT!

3shadowprincess chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
You know that you're a terrible person when the thing that comes to mind when you read this passage is "If only there was someone out there who loved you."

And there was something in his eyes, something genuine and loving and true and England was taken aback by it. It disarmed him completely. "I-I just can't're..." America leaned forward to kiss him, but paused at the last moment, a mere centimeter between them, and smirked. "You are so fucking hot."
Gazlover12 chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Oh my gosh, this was so beautiful! I was smiling the entire time I was reading it! Wonderful job with this!
luciume chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
I am now grinning like a total idiot. Talk about insanely nailed it!
So cute, I cannot get over this! You made Alfred so sweet and ahhh- too good! Arthur all flustered, and Alfred as well...

Just perfect. BEAUTIFUL.
forcedimpact chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
Thank you for this, this is adorable! Now I'm smiling and giggling, wide awake in the middle of a night. What a good news.
Funky Bracelet Chick chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
This was insanely adorable.
Witty Teacup chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
Win, win, and nothing but win. I really love your work! :D
Shaposhit chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
Awwwwwmerica is his alias. So much cute. Soooo much cute. England, in all his tsundere glory, is most def a little insecure. Why, I have no idea. I mean, his "navy" is wayyy bigger than America's.
Free of Mundane Thoughts chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
Awww~~~~~~~~~ Wow, you were right when you said fluff-overflowing. *heartheart* So cuuuute! And yeah America... that was cheesy as heck but I love you for it anyways~~~ These two are way to amazing for words. And you write them really well~~ *is happy* *continues sifting through your profile page for more fics*
Rain Kayheart chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
i love your stories.

nuff said.


you are made of awesome sauce.
Crystalgurl101 chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
D'awwwwwww! I think my heart just melted, exploded then came back to life from reading this. .

Absolutely. Fuckin'. Perfect.

England and America couldnt have been written more perfectly! I just absolutely LOVED them! :D :D :D Their relationship and interactions were just flawless too. America is SO cute! I love seeing his sweet, romantic side. Its enough to make me wanna cry from the cuteness! :')

Awww, Iggy, of COURSE you're gorgeous. Hell, if *I* saw you at the beach, I'd jump you so fast, you wouldnt even register you were just attacked until you heard me squealing into your ear. (Sowwy, America!) XDD

Awww! So cute and sweet and perfect! I just HAVE to add this to my Faves, for being so damn amazing! _ Thanks for such a wonderful read! I absolutely ADORED it!
Tamer Lorika chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
W-well that's just sweet. I loved the last line, of course, but I really like their relationship. They've got issues, but its not overwhelmingly ANGSTY. Its just right.
ZemyxDexion chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
Awww! This was too cute! I love it! Alfred was all, 'I love you! You're so cute and adorable! :D' and Arthur was all, 'Really? Cool!' And then yeah. I suck at summaries.

Thanks for more awesome reading material!

xMelitheKonekox chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
That was unbelievably and stomach-butterflies sweet. Oh mah gawd.

And sexy. ;D

I'm soooo favoriting this 3
wolf of infinity chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Aww~ I would love a boyfriend who'd do something like that *dreamy sigh* This is just so... beautiful and fluffy and romantic! I loved it! While AmericaxEngland (non AU at least) isn't really my favourite pairing, this was amazing, and definitely going on my faveourites-list Oh, and so are you, by the way, because you're an awesome writer ;) Keep up the great work!

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