Reviews for nothing like the fairytales
TrueLightHikari chapter 8 . 8/3/2018
Aah I love this! I wish there was a lot more stories about these two in kingdom hearts world.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/24/2016
Interesting idea. I would love to see it finished. When will Seifer get his memories back?
Alice chapter 8 . 11/19/2015
Great fic. I would love to see it finshed. Does Seifer ever get his memories back?
bea chapter 8 . 8/13/2012
omg omg omg omg!

i just found this story and its amazing! its so sad that there arent lots of seifersquall kingdom hearts verse and i was so happy to have found this :((( but im sad because u havent updated :( please tell me this isnt abandoned
AngelOfPastPresentAndFuture chapter 8 . 1/19/2012
So far I really enjoyed your story, the interaction between the characters is interesting and I'm very interested just why Seifer is used as messager boy between Sephiroth and Cloud. I'd love to read further development between Seifer and Leon.

Hope you'll update soon!

spiritualized chapter 8 . 4/2/2011
I really enjoyed reading this although all the while I was dreading coming to chapter 8 because it says the last update was in September. XD I hope since your previous update seemed to have taken a while that this fic was not abandoned and you'll continue? ;_;

I loved Seifer and Squall (especially together) to bits in FF8 and playing Dissidia 012 kind of rekindled that love. xD And I always wondered what would happen if Seifer and Squall met in KH2, too. So far, the story is interesting, but I have the feeling not has happened, I mean I'm all for character development, but sometimes I felt like it was a bit stuck and going in circles. Love Cloud and Sephiroth too, so it's nice to have them in the story as well. Well, I hope you continue soon and the plot is getting even thicker. xD
kitkit11183 chapter 8 . 1/5/2011
I just happened to find this fic today and it is pretty interesting so far. I really like how you are developing the relationship between the two main leads because the romantic aspect of things becomes more realistic for it. I hope you get the drive to write more. Keep up the great work.
Kakashi-Mayo chapter 8 . 9/5/2010
The "Hey puberty-boy, tell me how you got that scar" scene actually gave me goosebumps, it did seem like a trance! Very well done I'm glad you got your inspiration back, and I was surprised by how long the chapter was! I can't wait for the next chapter, I did enjoy this one :]
RottenMelon chapter 7 . 8/10/2010
I want more! I hope you update soon :)
DistractionPie chapter 7 . 8/3/2010
ooooh interesting fic - i've always like the idea of some investigation into the way Leon and Seifer ended up in seperate places and seperate ages and all that stuff and this fic does it really well. I totally can't wait to see how it turns out.
MourningZack chapter 7 . 6/23/2010
This story is so amazing! I started reading it today and i just couldn't stop so now i'm dying because i saw you haven't written in over two months! So i'm sad now. Don't give up and hurry to update! .
Murder Junkie chapter 7 . 5/12/2010
This is the only, ONLY, kh fic I've ever seen that addresses the issue of Seifer and Squall/Leon. With how popular the Seifer/Squall pairing is in FFVIII, such a thing is inexcusable! That it's slashy is just cherries. So please keep writing..?
darkwing21 chapter 7 . 5/1/2010

They are fighting. I really loved how you characterized Seifer, it's just so him. Really love it. Couldn't wait for more, please don't make it another three months yeah? ()
Karaii chapter 7 . 5/1/2010
No! I can't believe the chapter ended so soon! It was going so great! I love this fic a lot, I'm really looking forward to more :D Thank you for jotting up a new installment, keep it up!
Bob Da Peach chapter 7 . 4/30/2010

I really love this story so I'm so gosh darned happy you updated!
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