Reviews for Unholy Matrimony
whatever i'm old chapter 13 . 10/7/2019
omg i miss this fandom, and unfortunately i just can read an english for this year TT. i still terrible at conversation, but u know. u almost make me cry. ur writing is beyond ny oscar definition. oke thanks to make this
werwolf-yasya chapter 12 . 11/13/2018
Wonderful. Amazing and interesting work. Super author.
karupin sama chapter 13 . 4/12/2018
I'm so happy to find such amazingly written fic of Kaname/Zero. It's rare actually to find a completed one, so I'm grateful. Thank you dear author!
TheSecretShipper chapter 13 . 2/12/2018
ANNGTNCSGHKPLZ67} (-h! Whew, that was AMAZING! I loved every second of this beautiful work of art. I feel so empty now that it’s over... T_T
KyoREQUIEM chapter 13 . 1/23/2018

I love you, dear author, you are fabulous.
Very good English, very good plot, characters were pretty much in character for the ENTIRE long story, and it was just wonderful overall.
I was so invested in this fic for the last two days, and now that it's over...
What do I read? OvO?

The way you write flows really nicely, and there are no sudden breaks or anything that takes the reader's mind off of continuously reading it...
I can only aspire to write like this one day. T-T

I love KaZe with a passion (YAAAAYYYY) and I'm so glad you wrote this story for us all~~~

Thank you so much for writing~! OwO
KyoREQUIEM chapter 7 . 1/22/2018
Dang, Kaname.
That last line... Was actually so creepy. O.O
Imagine your lover holding you super close like that and then suddenly whispering that right beside your ear... *shudders*

I really hope they can do something about Zero's current situation though.. T-T
YokaiAngel chapter 13 . 11/23/2017
livelyflame chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
okay no but Zero's reactions in this chapter are all so fucking precious, oh my god. The "It's you. Kill me" gets me everytime, i swear
hananotsuki hime chapter 10 . 7/4/2017
This is one wild emotional ride. Only Kaname would break a person's nose and then later be cordial with them in a conversation, lol. He drops them eaves huh? ROTFL! Rido! Oooohhh, what does the symbol mean? OMG, OMG, scary! Lol.
hananotsuki hime chapter 9 . 7/4/2017
Hahahaha...nice Bad Boys referevce, rotfl. Wow President, really?! For real Akira? Rotfl. I wonder if this warped sense of protectiveness has turned into a mask for Akira's love for Zero. Yep...I totally saw that coming. Akira, you dog. How could he even think that bruh? Like Akira, were you on something for w brief second? Seems like Kaname is about to find out the truth about what's going on real soon though. And then he tells the business. Bruh! SMH.
hananotsuki hime chapter 8 . 7/4/2017
Whoa, what a dream. Their bond is so thick, it's nearly tangible. I really love the imagery you give to it. The sarcasm though, lol. Why would they come to get him in the middle of the night...and at the Moon Dorms too. To be honest, if the death sentence still stands...which it most likely will, then they will probably not let him leave to tell Kaname.
hananotsuki hime chapter 7 . 7/4/2017
I kind of figured they'd sentence him to death. I am amazed they gave him a whole week to settle his accounts. Uh-oh, their marriage was a set-up? Zero is about to die and it's someone else's fault? Kaname is gonna be pissed. Drunk Zero is hilarious. So this is all a ploy to get rid of the stain on the association? They know they can't do anything to Kaname, but they have been waiting on a chance to kill Zero. Oooohhh, Kaname had a real moment there.
hananotsuki hime chapter 5 . 7/4/2017
SOmebody's in trouble. Hope Yagari's reaction isn't too extreme. How did they even find out? ROTFL.
hananotsuki hime chapter 4 . 7/4/2017
Really? They're playing the jealousy game? Damn, it got hot on that dance floor huh? And then the lover's spat. I knew that bartender was no good. Don't trust folks with what you intake dude, especially when they're all up in your business and asking questions. OMG, this story is getting better and better!
hananotsuki hime chapter 3 . 7/3/2017
I don't understand why Kaname didn't just tell him the reason they should try to hate and distance themselves from each other. That way, signals wouldn't be mixed and Zero would understand a bit better why he was acting the way he did and the dejection could be stemmed. Not giving Zero any information is making it harder on everyone. I really love this story! OMG, your writing is amazing, I really love this!
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