Reviews for Lily and James: The Last Shot
Jojie pojie chapter 33 . 3/9/2019
It’s been years since you have updated, but I still remember this fic and check up on it from time to time just to see if maybe another chapter has been added :) Still holding out to see what has become of Sirius and Sam, and to see if Dmitri finally got the ass whooping he deserved. Thank you so much for writing this story, it brought me so much happiness over the years and was found in a very low point in my life. I always looked forward to your updates bc I knew I could escape to the world you created where the characters were never short of humor or wit and beautiful moments that could make anyone go full on fangirl. I hope life has been kind to you and that all is well, thank you again for everything 3
BlueBelle chapter 33 . 3/26/2018
Hi, I'm aware that this was posted quite a while ago, but I simply can't settle for this ending! I feel like it could end here but there are sooo many things that haven't happened. The intro to this chapter said that you would update soon, but perhaps that was meant for the chapter before (context clues, etc.). Anyway, I know it's been a while but I wanted to express how much I like this story and wish it would go on. :)
Della Neyhide chapter 1 . 7/16/2016
I've read lots of lily and James fanfics, and u are the only one I've seen tha actually writes like JK, seriously. This is exactly how I pictured Sirius Remus and James' relationship with lily.
Update chapter 33 . 3/4/2016
I love this story. I have since 2010 but you haven't updated. I want to know what happens. Please update
00hatter chapter 33 . 2/25/2016
This is really cute, and I'm sad that it's incomplete. Thanks for providing a bit of a different take on the Jily tale!
maybehaylee chapter 9 . 4/19/2015
Good Job,
And don't be upset, I know this is probably going to sound incredibly arrogant, but flirtily isn't a word, The word you would use is flirtatiously
lilyangel44 chapter 33 . 4/8/2015
No offense but i'ts been 3 years and I really wanted to read lily and james wedding...sigh
Guest chapter 33 . 10/13/2014
Droopy chapter 33 . 10/25/2013
Hi I adored this fic and even though you have not updated in almost a year please know that I check for an update almost every single day! Please put me out of my misery and either update or post that this fantastic fic is abandoned (hopefully the latter as I dream of sirius and Sam together again, they are amazing!)
Xlilyjames4evsX chapter 33 . 4/14/2013
AMAZING (x100) youre such a good writer :)lily and James are so cute I can't wait till the wedding! Pleeeaaaassssseeeee update sooooooooooooon
handfulofmoments chapter 12 . 4/1/2013
"Honestly, can you imagine me? On the run from the law? I mean, look at me," he took a step back from her, so that she could have a proper view. He smiled in this crooked way that made her knees hurt, "Could I be a criminal?"

I think I died when I read that line. RIGHT IN THE FEELS.
StraightLegScorp chapter 33 . 1/21/2013
Pumpkin bum :D that made me laugh! Same with the part about the seat being taken in transfiguration being the reason that Lily didn't sit with James :p This chapter made me sooo happy with Sirius and Sam because I love them together! Hopefully she gets away from Dimitri because he seems like an asshole. It's so sad that the story is almost done :( but I hope the next update comes soon! ;) as always, I love this story and you're an amazing author so keep up the awesome work! :)
StraightLegScorp chapter 32 . 1/20/2013
Awesome! As usual :) Is the last person that Sam couldn't see take their mask off Peter? Just thought it would make sense since he tells Voldemort where Lily and James are and everything :p So I loved it and I'm excited to see how Lily turns out at Quidditch! :)
StraightLegScorp chapter 30 . 1/18/2013
Okay so I lied... I guess it was just this chapter that it wouldn't let me review :p but here it is... Sam just gets all of the guys, doesn't she? ;) The end was really cute and it was a great chapter! As always, you're an exceptional writer and I love this story! :)
StraightLegScorp chapter 31 . 1/18/2013
Still loving this story, as usual! I like Sirius better than Johnny... just saying ;) and I have been reviewing every chapter, but I just noticed last chapter that there is a problem with the site and it hasn't been letting me submit them :( so sorry about that! But every chapter has been amazing! :)
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